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MC_Brisbane - JUST Pool's user avatar
MC_Brisbane - JUST Pool's user avatar
MC_Brisbane - JUST Pool's user avatar
MC_Brisbane - JUST Pool
  • Member for 2 years, 9 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
  • Australia
6 votes

Is there an API for Cardano Blockchain Insights?

4 votes

Where can I find the max block size in the protocol parameters?

4 votes

Is there a way to start a Cardano node in Devnet?

3 votes

Disk Space of Cardano node & Cardano DB-sync

2 votes

How to verify if KES is valid without needing to wait for the next minted block?

2 votes

How to release an NFT collection on Cardano?

2 votes

How can I make QR codes that work with wallets like nami?

2 votes

How Do I Deploy a Wallet Connector to the Website in a Safe Way

2 votes

Is the stake pool fixed fee cost once per epoch or per every block won?

2 votes

How can I set up my environment for the upcoming Marlowe Pioneer Program?

2 votes

How can I start a Hydra Node in devnet?

1 vote

Is there training offered for those interested in being moderators?

1 vote

Failed cardano-node build on mac m1

1 vote

Where to locate the path to node.socket in order to set CARDANO_NODE_SOCKET_PATH env variable?

1 vote

One node surprisingly running out of disk space

1 vote

Stuck in cardano node

1 vote

Problen when sysncing node on mainnet

1 vote

How can I stop Cardano Node correctly without running it as a service?

1 vote

What happen with the tAda not returned to the testnet faucet?

1 vote

Unable to get transaction hash and index of the UTXO to spend

1 vote

Cardano-cli error: "Invalid argument `"type":'"

1 vote

Transaction submit error

1 vote

First epoch slot and stability window

1 vote

how i send cardano native tokens from one wallet to another in unity?

0 votes

Error message harvesting in the minswap farm

0 votes

cardano-cli transaction build script (NFT Contract Address Creation)

0 votes

Not enough ADA leftover to include non-ADA assets in a change address

0 votes

No tAda after requesting from faucet

0 votes

Is there a 'Cardano Naming Service' available?

0 votes

Error querying protocol parameters in local network created from scratch