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5 votes
2 answers

How are Updatable network parameters rolled out to the decentrlaized network, and how are they depreciated?

CIP-0009 contains upgradeable parameters, if certain keyholders sign them, they appear to be changeable without updates to node software or configuration files:
Scalextrix's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Can I avoid using a public IP on Block-Producer (BP) node?

My BP and relays are on the same local subnet, I would prefer to give them the private IP address in the topology files. However, all of the guides I've come across explicitly state using public IPs. ...
Louis Waweru's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How are upgrades implemented in Cardano? CIP's?

Are upgrades to Cardano implemented via Cardano Improvement Protocols like Bitcoin? With the upcoming scaling upgrades such as increasing the block size, pipelining and input endorsers it seems that ...
Josh's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Does Daedalus perform tasks beyond those of a wallet?

I didn't read the user agreement and just installed. Why does it use a full core 100% of the time? Is it doing work for the health of the network, or any other type of work besides just being my ...
Louis Waweru's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How does Mithril increase Cardano network throughput?

Charles talks about Mithril as a means to light client wallets. My understanding of mithril is it takes a screenshot of sorts of upcoming blocks and by representing the blocks in a lighter manner for ...
Brian Baxter's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How does the cardano network handle network latency?

I read that when a node receives a block, the node verifies that the slot number is the current one. If the slot changes every second, what if a block is generated by some node A, but some other node ...
Víctor Alan's user avatar
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Problem connecting to localhost: Error occurred while trying to proxy request /api/oauth/status from localhost:8009 to http://localhost:8080

Built on mac. Just got localhost working Same problem as Playground client can't connect to playground server (all localhost) but the answer is not working for me. I tried the suggestion but its ...
xlcr's user avatar
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