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Questions tagged [script-addresses]

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Understanding a weird Cardano transaction with repeated addresses

Can anyone explain this transaction? It features one input and, as outputs, includes the ...
bkv's user avatar
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2 answers

Javascript SDK for working with Plutus smart contracts

Are there any javascript SDKs which enable you to do the following: programmatically create and submit a Plutus smart contract to mainnet check what assets are currently locked at a given script ...
Myles's user avatar
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4 answers

Is it possible to obtain the cbor hex/script bytes from a bech32 script address?

I would like to get the script bytes from the bech32 address of a script. Is this possible?
zaherr's user avatar
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1 answer

How to get all unSpent UTXOs at script address OnChain

Hi i am building CrowdFund where i need to know the total amount raised at the script as an OnChain validation. i was looking at Contexts.findOwnInput but would this only return the tx-in's provided ...
Chakravarti Raghavan's user avatar
2 votes
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Which address types are allowed for collateral inputs

Collateral inputs are required to be added to a transaction when any Plutus script is executed within that tx (i.e. spending a Plutus address utxo or minting a Plutus policy asset). Obvious that a ...
Vantuz Subhuman's user avatar
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Script Execution Failure PT8

I am trying to transact with UTxO from a script address on the pre-production testnet. I locked the fund ok with Datum, now I get an error when trying to consume that UTxO, it seem that the script is ...
user3755529's user avatar
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What happens if I omit a datum hash in a transaction to a script address?

When using a Trezor to sign a transaction with a script address as the receiver, I get the message "The following transaction output contains a script address, but does not contain a datum. ...
AstralChain's user avatar
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Is it possible to consume a script UTxO in the same block?

Let's say I lock some ADA at a script address. Someone who knows the redeemer value can unlock this ADA. Is it possible to include a redeeming tx in the same block as the tx which locks the ADA at the ...
et97's user avatar
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How To Get Address Transaction history into Smart Contract?

If I want the smart contract to alter functionality depending of the history of the signing address, how do I access the history from within the smart contract?
KryptoKing's user avatar
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3 answers

How Can You Prevent A Burn Address From Polluting The Cardano Ledger?

Making a Burn Address on the blockchain is currently done by using a script address with a validator that always returns False and so never validates. This ties up ADA and causes the size of the ...
KryptoKing's user avatar
3 votes
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How to Get the Script Address of A Smart Contract?

Once I have written up the smart contract how to I get the script address value to be able to interact with the script whilst its on chain?
KryptoKing's user avatar
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Is it possible to send funds to a scriptAddress using a lightweight wallet?

I would like that an user using Yoroi/Nami/etc could send funds to a script address which expected an empty datum: (). EDIT (Pretty obvious, but the UTxO should be spendable later by a transaction) I ...
kindofdev's user avatar
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Listing all UTXOs spend by a script as well as the public key it came from

How do I list all Utxos that is in my script as well as the public key addresses that it came from.I am using the result as a parameter for a different function.I want to know if a public key address ...
szhang9921's user avatar
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Script Witness Not Validating for Multisig

I'm getting the following error when trying to consume a UTxO sitting in a multisig script address: [ { "scriptWitnessNotValidating": [ "...
Falcon Stakepool's user avatar
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2 answers

How to generate script address from plutus script cborhex

I want to generate the address from the plutus script's cborhex value, but so far without much luck. I am using the alwayssucceeds.plutus contract as an example for which the cborhex value is ...
D S's user avatar
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Plutus script execution at every end of epoch

I would like to develop a Plutus script that executes each time an epoch ends. What's the best way to achieve this behaviour?
Falcon Stakepool's user avatar
4 votes
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Discovering the script source based on address

How to find out what scripts / smart contracts are holding my assets and how could I recover these assets if the script allows? I have in my transactions log a transfer of 500 ADA to this script ...
Daniel Cukier's user avatar
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Can ADA locked on a script be staked?

I am curious to know what happens to ADA when it gets locked to a script as far as staking goes. In other words, can ADA locked at a script address by staked?
FTM's user avatar
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Is it possible to decode smart contract code from a script hash? [duplicate]

Given a script address, is it possible to decode the Haskell/Plutus code of said script? How can you verify a script does what someone says it will do?
Myles's user avatar
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Does a script always have the same address forever?

When creating a script, the script is given a script address. If I would like to run multiple scripts in parallel, how to go about that? Do I have to define a nonce variable just to make the address ...
FTM's user avatar
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How to build a script transaction if the validator expects it to be signed

Given the following smart contract: {-# INLINEABLE mkValidator #-} mkValidator :: PubKeyHash -> BuiltinData -> ScriptContext -> Bool mkValidator beneficiary _ ctx = traceIfFalse "tx ...
Jaanus Varus's user avatar
3 votes
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Do script addresses have a staking part? Is it possible to stake from smart contracts on Cardano?

I heard somewhere that staking from smart contracts may be possible on Cardano, and I wonder if that is because there is a staking part to script addresses on Cardano? CIP 19 discusses wallet ...
Tromso's user avatar
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Why is there no mechanism available to restrict creation of UTXOs at a script address?

It has been told that anyone can create UTXOs at any script address without restrictions since the validator does not run for transaction that do not consume UTXOs. The question is, why so? I think it ...
lambda's user avatar
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7 votes
4 answers

Is there any limit to the number of UTXO's sitting at a script address?

Just want to foresee if we'll run into any issues sending/consuming thousands, or tens of thousands of UTXO's at a script address.
Blake Brown's user avatar
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Why does the Plutus script need be provided in the transaction?

Why does the Plutus script need be provided in the transaction? My understanding is that a script address is just a hash of the script. In order to spend a UTxO from a script address the spending ...
Xiaofei's user avatar
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Convert Plutus Address Credential to real-net address

So in Plutus we have the Address type which has two constructors ScriptCredential which is a ValidatorHash or PubKeyCredential which is a PubKeyHash but all these are not encoded in the same way as ...
Alain Magazin's user avatar
11 votes
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What does it mean that a UTxO sits at script address?

What does it mean that a "UTxO sits at a script address". What is a script address?
thirsty's user avatar
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How do nodes access the validator code?

As far as I know, script address is the hash of the validator script. (Or has the hash of the validator script. I don't know which). So when a node wants to validate that address, It needs to run the ...
Jelil Akjaly's user avatar
5 votes
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How can a node verify a transaction with a script address without the script?

How can a node verify a transaction with a script address without the script? I mean when i start a node months after the transaction has been minted into a block. How can my node verify that the ...
wutzebaer's user avatar
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