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Plutus Playground Server error: opening lock file '/nix/...root.lock': Permission denied

So I've been going through the Plutus Pioneers 3rd cohort lectures and last night accidentally left my computer unplugged. When I booted up Ubuntu Linux on the computer this morning I noticed I have 3 ...
Ryan Thackston's user avatar
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Use the week 01 Nix-shell for week 02?

I'd like to know if we should use the week 01 nix-shell? My expectation is that the week 01 nix-shell, was used to start the playground service and the front-end UI. Although, it's clear that there's ...
punkbit's user avatar
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Child compilation failed [duplicate]

Hello Cardano community. This question has been asked in the community and I would like to resurface it as I am having the same problem. Ref: plutus-playground-client npm start error (MacOs Intel i7) ...
SidneyN's user avatar
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Getting status of daemon-socket: Operation not permitted while invoking nix-shell (MacOs)

Plutus Pioneers Week 01 exercise. cloned the plutus-app directory edited the nix.conf file (added the iohk binaries reference) moved to the plutus-app directory After downloading, linking and ...
Alex Pestchanker's user avatar
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Error when executing npm start in plutus-playground-client

I get this error when I try to execute npm start in the plutus-playground-client directory 10% building 0/1 entries 0/0 dependencies 0/0 modulesℹ 「wds」: Project is running at ℹ 「...
Jose Marvin Henriquez's user avatar
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nix-shell command causes error "invalid character in Base64 string"

I'm following the Plutus Env: Setup Starter Pack guideline to run a Plutus Playground Local Instance. At step 4, when running the command nix-shell, I got the error message error: invalid character in ...
Nhan Nguyen's user avatar
6 votes
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I'm having issues with nix-shell

I keep getting this error, any thoughts? I have re-downloaded nix 3 times now and it's the same error as before. Not sure if it's the profiles or channels but this is what it gives me: '''trying https:...
KIJIRI's user avatar
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