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6 votes

How will Cardano address the ledger growth problem?

The answer to this question is not clear yet, as more research is needed into this problem. For now, the effort is to prevent the blockchain growing into large sizes with using layer one two solutions ...
Marek Mahut - StakeNuts's user avatar
6 votes

How would Cardano applications function with intermittent internet connection?

Most blockchains currently rely heavily on a stable and relatively low-latency internet link. Relaxing the latency requirements may allow for more decentralisation since more people would be able to ...
vaz's user avatar
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5 votes

General approach for allowing multiple smart contract transactions per block

Not as far as I know. The current model is limited to one state change (transaction) per block per smart contact. However, depending on the specific smart contact and its use case, I can see people ...
Marek Mahut - StakeNuts's user avatar
3 votes

How did SundaeSwap solve the scalability issue associated with consuming the same UTxO more than once in the same block?

A good thing to remember when developing on Cardano is that there exists no global state! The state and its history of the blockchain is captured in a graph, where the current state of the chain are ...
Fermat's user avatar
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3 votes

What should I do with a validator which exceeds the maximum size?

You can split it into multiple validators. Each validator would have an NFT that can only be spent if the requirements for its validator are met (including returning the NFT to the script address with ...
Mitchell Turner's user avatar
2 votes

What improvements will Basho bring?

You can learn more about the Basho phase at the Cardano Roadmap, but I will briefly summarize what it says. The Basho phase is focused on improvements to scalability and interoperability, this will ...
Cavenfish's user avatar
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2 votes

How will Cardano address the ledger growth problem?

In the near term, the solution is to keep metadata off chain as much as possible. Proofs/Hashes of the metadata can be used to maintain a reference to the data and guarantee it hasn't changed. This of ...
OneDeuxTriSeiGo's user avatar
2 votes

How will Cardano address the ledger growth problem?

Querying large data sizes doesn't have to be an issue necessarily, because you can create multiple indices for data access, which speeds up the search process by a large factor.For example think about ...
Johannes Sirsch's user avatar
2 votes

Will Hydra (or anything else) reduce transaction times for Cardano in the future?

The short answer is: no. The longer answer is, Hydra is a layer-2 solution which means that by definition, it operates on top of the existing network and does not require, nor implies, changes to that ...
KtorZ's user avatar
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2 votes

General approach for allowing multiple smart contract transactions per block

This has been bugging me for a while now. I'm not as worried about it as I was before though. Here are some thoughts: Lars says there are ways around the problem: Of course there are ways around. You ...
Mitchell Turner's user avatar
1 vote

How do I design a dApp for 1000 NFTs minted per second

We need to understand first what is a NFT: It is a token that only exist ONCE. Can't be two tokens the same. What we mean with two tokens the same? To understand that we need to know how a token is ...
Manu Padilla's user avatar
1 vote

Will Hydra (or anything else) reduce transaction times for Cardano in the future?

As much as I understand, Hydra is the name of the sharding solution of Cardano. I see it as a form of parallel computation: it can handle separately some unrelated computations/transactions. Parallel ...
Distic's user avatar
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1 vote

General approach for allowing multiple smart contract transactions per block

Please see my article "Scaling with UTXOs." I outline several different approaches. These include buffering, state sharding / replication, and using transactions which do not consume UTXOs. ...
Morgan Thomas's user avatar
1 vote

General approach for allowing multiple smart contract transactions per block

Theoretically, you can just create multiple eUTxOs to reduce collisions. But that isn't an ideal solution. For example, an oracle would have to maintain a lot of different eUTxOs and create new ones ...
Johannes Sirsch's user avatar
1 vote

What improvements will Basho bring?

Scalability! In simple terms, it brings "continuously improving" scalability! That means by design we will be more and more scalable as we grow. The exact opposite of Bitcoin. Currently ...
CardanoSaint's user avatar

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