I need to generate a VRF Key Hash in this format: vrf_vk13hg4gg5fg67399nuz2ldk89kqw9h379cfgtkpvd83ra89f908kcqv2cw3j

When I generate it using cardano-cli, I get this file:

    "type": "VrfVerificationKey_PraosVRF",
    "description": "VRF Verification Key",
    "cborHex": "5820d3e6e69edf63e50ce0d12bc8fd891d6d00a09cb484a55f99caf0767bd9d75488"

What I'm trying to do is to convert this to VRFKeyHash. I'm using this function (I'm reading the value directly from the file, that's why I'm parsing it):

const fromHex=(hex)=>Buffer.from(hex,"hex");
const vrfKeyHash = CardanoWasm.VRFKeyHash.from_bytes(fromHex(JSON.parse(vrfKeyFile).cborHex));

But when I do this, I get the following error:

Deserialization failed in VRFKeyHash because: Invalid cbor: expected tuple 'hash length' of length 32 but got length Len(34).

What is it that I'm doing wrong?

2 Answers 2


Verification keys can be represented in different ways. The one that you want is a representation where the key hash is converted with a prefix vrf_ to the bech32 format. This can be done via the following repo (1). Given your specific given vrf verification key file you first have to convert it to a vrf key hash. This can be done via the cardano-cli with

cardano-cli node key-hash-VRF --verification-key-file fileName.vkey 

Which returns 80bdf88001bcfb0723f93aff337b299d1502f1d1884afe65342b7b8dfd18c2e6 for your vkey file. Then one can convert this hash to bech32 format with prefix vrf_ as follows

cabal run exe:bech32 -- vrf_ <<< 80bdf88001bcfb0723f93aff337b299d1502f1d1884afe65342b7b8dfd18c2e6

which returns vrf_1sz7l3qqphnaswgle8tlnx7efn52s9uw33p90uef59dacmlgcctnqut3ndw. To reverse the bech32 transformation you can run the following

cabal run exe:bech32 -- <<< vrf_vk13hg4gg5fg67399nuz2ldk89kqw9h379cfgtkpvd83ra89f908kcqv2cw3j

which return 8dd154228946bd12967c12bedb1cb6038b78f8b84a1760b1a788fa72a4af3db0, the vrf key hash of the example bech32 address you gave.

  • Do you know what conversion should I apply to cborHex in order to work with Cardano Serialization Lib? const vrfKeyHash = CardanoWasm.VRFKeyHash.from_bytes(X) Imagine that X is the cborHex. If I provide it directly that way, I get the following: "JsValue("Deserialization failed in VRFKeyHash because: Invalid cbor: expected tuple 'hash length' of length 32 but got length Len(34).")" I have also tried converting it to bytes, but same error. Commented Jun 9, 2022 at 5:07
  • Note that in the bech32 is something similar to JSON, to indicate if something is a bytestring or a list etc some bytes indicate those objects. If you have a look at cbor.me and put in the full you will see the key is D3E6E69EDF63E50CE0D12BC8FD891D6D00A09CB484A55F99CAF0767BD9D75488. Which has length 32 not 34. I am no expert on the serialization lib so I cannot help with that unfortunately.
    – Fermat
    Commented Jun 9, 2022 at 9:01
  • Also see npmjs.com/package/@dcspark/cip5-js, this might help.
    – Fermat
    Commented Jun 9, 2022 at 9:12
  • Thank you very much! Commented Jun 9, 2022 at 23:27

To convert from cborHex to VRFKeyHash I did the following, assuming there's a file with this format...

    "type": "VrfVerificationKey_PraosVRF",
    "description": "VRF Verification Key",
    "cborHex": "5820d3e6e69edf63e50ce0d12bc8fd891d6d00a09cb484a55f99caf0767bd9d75488"

...which can be generated using cardano-cli or cardanocli-js:

const vrfKeyFile = readFileSync(vrfKeyAccount.vkey, 'utf-8');
CardanoWasm.VRFKeyHash.from_bytes(Buffer.from(JSON.parse(vrfKeyFile).cborHex.substring(4), "hex"));

You need to get rid of the first 2 bytes ("5820" prefix) in order for it to work.

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