I am tiring to use Cardano Sterilization Lib to get the Stake/Usable address from Stake Hash or Address Hash.
Address Hash: 01daaf711704003ec3d62ba63ab7fc82c52fdfadbe4a34e97158cafe5098ab0c9333611bee9b2e58f6daa99f237d173e0c7af6a7a203d6be27
Stake Key Hash: e198ab0c9333611bee9b2e58f6daa99f237d173e0c7af6a7a203d6be27
I saw Convert xpub public key from ccvault to bech32 or acct_ public key which showed a way but I couldn't get it to work.
wasm.StakeCredential.from_bytes(new TextEncoder().encode("98ab0c9333611bee9b2e58f6daa99f237d173e0c7af6a7a203d6be27"))
returns Deserialization failed in StakeCredential because: Invalid cbor: not the right type, expected Array' byte received