I call the martify smart contract by cardano-cli but I've seen the error Command failed: transaction build Error: The following scripts have execution failures: the script for transaction input 1 (in the order of the TxIds) failed with: The redeemer pointer: RdmrPtr Spend 1 points to a Plutus script that does not exist. The pointers that can be resolved are:
fromList [(RdmrPtr Spend 1,(Spending (TxIn (TxId {_unTxId = SafeHash "c502c6f0929e9eb7562097592a71d9e4aaae01033c7c5cb685c2103c9fee070c"}) (TxIx 1)),Nothing,ScriptHash "74d2a2a31173aad514c66551190f4ca4d6eedcdd71776a04ba263de5"))]
The command of building the transaction:
cardano-cli transaction build \
--testnet-magic 1 \
--tx-in c1ca2d6e65360e2acc78485ea93803e6119af1864872ff8cbdd6fcdf2044d7e5#0 \
--tx-in-collateral c1ca2d6e65360e2acc78485ea93803e6119af1864872ff8cbdd6fcdf2044d7e5#0 \
--tx-in c502c6f0929e9eb7562097592a71d9e4aaae01033c7c5cb685c2103c9fee070c#1 \
--tx-in-script-file marketplace.plutus \
--tx-in-datum-file datum.json \
--tx-in-redeemer-file buy.json \
--required-signer ./../../common/payment3.skey \
--tx-out "$(cat ./../../common/payment3.addr) + 9982422778 + 1 d8375cb8ece93f752c57981c7978a6b3f9e06cee44c464dd3b7b7d2b.53706f7265734e46545f33" \
--tx-out "$(cat script.addr) + 2000000" \
--tx-out "$(cat ./../../common/payment4.addr) + 6000000" \
--change-address $(cat ./../../common/payment3.addr) \
--protocol-params-file testnet-protocol-parameters.json \
--out-file buy.draft
Which: the payment3.addr is the buyer, the payment4.addr is the seller, and script.addr is the marketplace.