This is part of my attempt at solving the first homework assignment of week 5 in the plutus pioneer program. The rest of the unmodified file can be found here.
{-# INLINABLE mkPolicy #-}
-- This policy should only allow minting (or burning) of tokens if the owner of the specified PubKeyHash
-- has signed the transaction and if the specified deadline has not passed.
mkPolicy :: PubKeyHash -> Slot -> ScriptContext -> Bool
mkPolicy pkh deadline ctx = traceIfFalse "Valid signature missing" signed &&
traceIfFalse "Deadline has passed" stillTime
info :: TxInfo
info = scriptContextTxInfo ctx
signed :: Bool
signed = txSignedBy info pkh
stillTime :: Bool
stillTime = to deadline `contains` txInfoValidRange info
policy :: PubKeyHash -> Slot -> Scripts.MonetaryPolicy
policy pkh deadline = mkMonetaryPolicyScript $
$$(PlutusTx.compile [|| \pkh' deadline' -> Scripts.wrapMonetaryPolicy $ mkPolicy pkh' deadline' ||])
PlutusTx.liftCode pkh
PlutusTx.liftCode deadline
curSymbol :: PubKeyHash -> Slot -> CurrencySymbol
curSymbol pkh deadline = scriptCurrencySymbol $ policy pkh deadline
I tested the code by loading the file into the repl and running the test. The output confirms that this seems to be the right solution.
However, when compiling the code in the playground, I get this message:
It looks like you have not made any functions available, use `$(mkFunctions ['functionA, 'functionB])` to be able to use `functionA` and `functionB`
Since endpoints
is defined, the contract is made available in the simulator and I can confirm the test manually in the simulator as well.
I am just very confused by this message. Did my code introduce an uncaptured error? I compiled some of the previous files without this message. What am I missing?