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Plutus V2 Tx Building causing NonOutputSupplimentaryDatums error

I don't use cardano-serialization-lib but I can tell you that NonOutputSupplimentaryDatums is the ledger error thrown when datum is unneceserilly included in the tx when using inline datum. When ...
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1 vote

Error Applying Redeemer Lucid

You probably already did, but check that you are actually passing the utxos to the tx, and check that the datum is the right one, the datum seems to be hash or its just a bytestring? how does quering ...
Roberto Cerrud's user avatar
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How to deserialize Datum using Lucid

I figured out that the Lucid command that does the trick is Data.from. First, in the original code, I need to add Data in the list of imports: import { Blockfrost, Lucid, Data, } from "https://...
a_juggler's user avatar
1 vote

What are the differences between different kinds of datums (datum, datumhash, inlineDatum, inlineDatumHash)?

I don't think datum is ever used, it should probably be removed from this output. inlineDatumHash is probably just for convenience so you can know the hash of the inline datum, it's not needed for ...
james's user avatar
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Example/documentation of Reference Input (CIP31) and Inline Datum (CIP32) with Emulator?

Plutus Playground is no longer maintained and that instance will soon be taken down in favour of using the Trace Emulator. Take a look at some of the plutus-contract integration tests for examples of ...
james's user avatar
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1 vote

Plutus V2 Tx Building causing NonOutputSupplimentaryDatums error

So I was able to resolve the issue. The problem was caused by the way I attached the datum as PlutusWitness. So instead of creating directly instantiating a PlutusWitness I created one with the help ...
Will's user avatar
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