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Opportunity for theft of funds in Martify marketplace

I am some kinda embarrassed by "mkBuyValidator" in Martify Marketplace on-chain code . For buyer there is only one check for token transfer (on line 68): (valueOf (valuePaidTo info sig) (...
Anastasia Martyniuk's user avatar
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Whether validation checks are necessary

In Plutonomicon github repo it says by the end of the page: For example, you don't need to prevent an unexpected transaction from locking value away - that's the submitter's own problem - but you do ...
Anastasia Martyniuk's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Is there a way for a validator to get the current time?

Is it possible for a validator to get the current time without it being passed in via the redeemer? My validator is heavily dependent on the time being correct so it would probably be a bad design ...
Isaac Padberg's user avatar