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Questions tagged [react]

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3 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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MeshJs integration With Next 13 Error: Element type is invalid. Received a promise that resolves to: [object Promise]

I am trying to create a connect button to the Nami Wallet where the user can register so I can take the public address, network id, and so on as I need it for the backend. To implement the Nami wallet ...
Oliver's user avatar
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Getting errors when using cardano-wallet-js --> Can't resolve 'fs'

I've been going through the cardano docs at to test the interface. I installed the package using npm without issue and am starting ...
Greg's user avatar
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cardanocli-js and cardano-wallet-js vs cardano-wallet rest api and cardano-graphql how do they differ?

I've been going through the cardano docs at and have come across discussions around the cardano-wallet rest api and cardano-graphql implementation. I ...
Greg's user avatar
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