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MeshJs integration With Next 13 Error: Element type is invalid. Received a promise that resolves to: [object Promise]

I am trying to create a connect button to the Nami Wallet where the user can register so I can take the public address, network id, and so on as I need it for the backend. To implement the Nami wallet ...
Oliver's user avatar
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Blockfrost API 403 Error in React Node JS app

I'm trying to get info about the latest block in my React Node JS app using Blockfrost and I'm running into an error: GET
Myles's user avatar
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How can I add Webpack to a React app so I can use Lucid with it?

I have a React app (created with npx create-react-app) that doesn't have Webpack installed. I want to add lucid-cardano to it. Going through Lucid documentation, I found that Webpack is a dependency, ...
Falcon Stakepool's user avatar
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Compile errors when importing Cardano Serialization Lib Browser in React

I'm getting several compile errors as soon as I import @emurgo/cardano-serialization-lib-browser in my project, all of them similar to these: ERROR in ./node_modules/@emurgo/cardano-serialization-lib-...
Falcon Stakepool's user avatar
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@emurgo/cardano-serialization-lib-browser on NextJS error when running `npm run build`

I'm a complete NextJS / React and Wasm newbie, but I'm having fun learning and building a simple website. I've added @emurgo/cardano-serialization-lib-browser as a dep to my NextJS 17 project w/ npm i ...
Giovanni G's user avatar
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Getting errors when using cardano-wallet-js --> Can't resolve 'fs'

I've been going through the cardano docs at to test the interface. I installed the package using npm without issue and am starting ...
Greg's user avatar
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cardanocli-js and cardano-wallet-js vs cardano-wallet rest api and cardano-graphql how do they differ?

I've been going through the cardano docs at and have come across discussions around the cardano-wallet rest api and cardano-graphql implementation. I ...
Greg's user avatar
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