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Questions tagged [leaderlog]

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cardano-cli query leadership-schedule DecoderErrorDeserialiseFailure "expected word16"

I have been using cardano-cli query leadership-schedule every epoch for years, but now it has failed with this: Command failed: query leadership-schedule Error: Failed to successfully decode the ...
Alo - RAMBO Pool's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Block missed despite no problem on servers

My pool missed a block but looking at the server logs everything was fine at this moment. Here are the Cardano logs : {"thread":"1734","loc":null,"data" {"...
charles augu's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Stake pool leader logs

What is the earliest point to check the leader log for the next epoch using tools like cncli? I though it was 60 hours in to the current epoch, but keep getting the "Query returned no rows" ...
Bjarne - TECH Pool's user avatar