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How to get a RewardAddress from an address using cardano-serialization-lib?

I have the following code to verify the signature of a message using CIP-8: const decoded = COSESign1.from_bytes( Buffer.from(signedData.signature, "hex") ); const headermap = ...
Falcon Stakepool's user avatar
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Different addresses from same mnemonic?

I want to generate an old Byron address. However, depending on which software I use (cardano-address or cardano-serialization-lib), I get a different result for the same mnemonic phrase. Here is my ...
Addr's user avatar
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2 answers

Calculated fee too small for StakeRegistration cert submission via cardano-serialization-lib wallet connect

Having some issues getting a submit Stake Registration certificate using cardano-serialization-lib. The transaction builds, can can be signed, but what's weird is the correct fee is not being ...
Why_Is_This_Hard's user avatar
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How to get TransactionUnspentOutput as a hex encoded bytes string programmatically

So basically I want to convert a normal UTxO hash like: 550665309dee7e2f64d13f999297f001763f65fe50bb05524afc0990c7dce0c3 to a TransactionUnspentOutput as a hex encoded bytes string like: ...
Jan Swoboda's user avatar
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Convert UTxO to hex encoded bytes string

Hello I want to convert a normal UTxO transaction hash to an encoded bytes string. How do I do this? Help would be appreciated! something like ...
Jan Swoboda's user avatar
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Convert Stake Key to Address

I am tiring to use Cardano Sterilization Lib to get the Stake/Usable address from Stake Hash or Address Hash.
yungtechboy1's user avatar
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Is it possible to generate all stake pool files and keys using Cardano Serialization Lib?

To successfully create and register a stake pool, we are require to generate: Payment keys and address Stake keys and address Stake pool cold key Stake pool hot key Stake pool VRF key Stake pool ...
Falcon Stakepool's user avatar
2 votes
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How do you make a faucet for native assets such as NFTS on cardano?

im trying to make an NFT faucet for a NFT drop. How do I make the basic faucet is there an example that I could build upon?
KryptoKing's user avatar
4 votes
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How to convert a Stake Key Address from hash to BECH32?

I have this Stake Key: I want to convert from ...
Falcon Stakepool's user avatar