I usually go to https://github.com/input-output-hk/cardano-node/releases and follow the link to download "Hydra binaries" but I want to download version 1.35.2 because 1.35.3 is currently not working on testnet.

  1. How to find version 1.35.2 on https://hydra.iohk.io/ tried with the search but without success?
  2. Is there any connection between Github commits and builds on hydra?
  • 2
    1.35.2 is known to have a bug. Why would you want it for any reason other than testing? Commented Aug 18, 2022 at 8:26
  • I want to test the newest version but since 1.35.3 is not working on testnet I wanted to use the newest one after that.
    – zarej
    Commented Aug 18, 2022 at 9:08

1 Answer 1


In general, there is no good reason to use an older release of cardano-node. However, if you must, you can get it as follows:

  • First, select the prebuilt binaries for the desired release tag from GitHub. And look for the latest release commit or PR for that version.
  • Then scroll to the bottom of the page, look for a button that reads "View details", click it, and a list of actions will open.
  • Select the ci/hydra-eval action and click the "details" link.
  • You will be redirected to the Hydra evaluation page.
  • And look for the prebuilt binaries in there. For example, if you wish to download 1.35.2 for Linux, you look for cardano-node-1.35.2-linux, alternatively, if you want 1.35.2 for mac look for cardano-node-1.35.2-macos, and click the table row to go to the build job details.
  • You will see the direct download link to get a tar.gz file containing the binaries.

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