I know there are some tools out there that help reading historical data from the Cardano blockchain, such as IOHK's cardano-db-sync and blockfrost.io, but I would like to read directly from the a Cardano node I am running on my machine. I was trying to do this by using the cardano-cli, but it seems pretty limited, as it doesn't seem to have a way to get historical data from the blocks, like for example, what transactions got included into block X, or what are the inputs and outputs of transaction with the id 68f1f35323eada5601170011239c5e9b4dd15da559ceb9ad17cfd8eb7c317753 (random example).
I am probably lacking some knowledge here, but it seems to me such queries should be possible given the fact that in theory, I have all data from the Cardano blockchain directly in my machine.
Note: my cardano node comes from the Daedalus wallet.