I try to compile EnglishAuction.hs code in playground web app and keep on getting compiler error.

"[compiler] [E] loadObj "/nix/store/jmhwwzn1yfjzlxavz16afkf1r4shmp8z-
persistent-sqlite-lib-persistent-sqlite- 20210212/persistent-sqlite-
sqlite-": failed"

1 Answer 1


I just removed the module section of the code in EnglishAuction.hs and paste it into playground web. It work and no compiler error.

module Week01.EnglishAuction ( Auction (..) , StartParams (..), BidParams (..), CloseParams (..) , AuctionSchema , start, bid, close , endpoints , schemas , ensureKnownCurrencies , printJson , printSchemas , registeredKnownCurrencies , stage ) where

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