I upgraded the Plutus version used by my project to: 2f11c28bd8f6d630daab582255e16d8408075bd7

PS: It is the same version Lars used in his latest lecture (Iteration #2 - Lecture #8)

Here is the code I'm using to define the endpoints:

data StarterContracts =
    deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic, FromJSON, ToJSON)

instance Pretty StarterContracts where
    pretty = viaShow

handleStarterContract ::
    ( Member (Error PABError) effs
    , Member (LogMsg (PABMultiAgentMsg (Builtin StarterContracts))) effs
    => ContractEffect (Builtin StarterContracts)
    ~> Eff effs
handleStarterContract = handleBuiltin getSchema getContract where
    getSchema = \case
        MarketContract -> endpointsToSchemas @Market.MarketSchema
    getContract = \case
        MarketContract -> SomeBuiltin Market.endpoints

handlers :: SimulatorEffectHandlers (Builtin StarterContracts)
handlers =
    Simulator.mkSimulatorHandlers @(Builtin StarterContracts) [MarketContract]
    $ interpret handleStarterContract

And this is the error I'm getting when trying to compile it:

app/Main.hs:62:25: error:
    • Couldn't match expected type ‘(StarterContracts
                                     -> [playground-common-
                                    -> (StarterContracts -> SomeBuiltin)
                                    -> ContractEffect (Builtin StarterContracts) x
                                    -> Eff effs x’
                  with actual type ‘Plutus.PAB.Effects.Contract.Builtin.BuiltinHandler
    • The function ‘handleBuiltin’ is applied to two arguments,
      but its type ‘Plutus.PAB.Effects.Contract.Builtin.BuiltinHandler
      has none
      In the expression: handleBuiltin getSchema getContract
      In an equation for ‘handleStarterContract’:
            = handleBuiltin getSchema getContract
                  = \case MarketContract -> endpointsToSchemas @MarketSchema
                getContract = \case MarketContract -> SomeBuiltin endpoints
    • Relevant bindings include
        handleStarterContract :: ContractEffect (Builtin StarterContracts)
                                 ~> Eff effs
          (bound at app/Main.hs:62:1)
62 | handleStarterContract = handleBuiltin getSchema getContract where
   |                         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

app/Main.hs:70:5: error:
    • Couldn't match type ‘Simulator.SimulatorContractHandler
                             (Builtin StarterContracts)
                           -> SimulatorEffectHandlers (Builtin StarterContracts)’
                     with ‘Plutus.PAB.Core.EffectHandlers
                             (Builtin StarterContracts)
                             (Simulator.SimulatorState (Builtin StarterContracts))’
      Expected type: SimulatorEffectHandlers (Builtin StarterContracts)
        Actual type: Simulator.SimulatorContractHandler
                       (Builtin StarterContracts)
                     -> SimulatorEffectHandlers (Builtin StarterContracts)
    • In the expression:
          @(Builtin StarterContracts) [MarketContract]
          $ interpret handleStarterContract
      In an equation for ‘handlers’:
            = Simulator.mkSimulatorHandlers
                @(Builtin StarterContracts) [MarketContract]
                $ interpret handleStarterContract
70 |     Simulator.mkSimulatorHandlers @(Builtin StarterContracts) [MarketContract]
   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^...

app/Main.hs:70:63: error:
    • Couldn't match expected type ‘Ledger.Fee.FeeConfig’
                  with actual type ‘[StarterContracts]’
    • In the second argument of ‘Simulator.mkSimulatorHandlers’, namely
      In the expression:
          @(Builtin StarterContracts) [MarketContract]
      In the expression:
          @(Builtin StarterContracts) [MarketContract]
          $ interpret handleStarterContract
70 |     Simulator.mkSimulatorHandlers @(Builtin StarterContracts) [MarketContract]
   |                                                               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

app/Main.hs:71:7: error:
    • Couldn't match expected type ‘Ledger.TimeSlot.SlotConfig’
                  with actual type ‘Eff
                                      (ContractEffect (Builtin StarterContracts) : effs0) x0
                                    -> Eff effs0 x0’
    • Probable cause: ‘interpret’ is applied to too few arguments
      In the second argument of ‘($)’, namely
        ‘interpret handleStarterContract’
      In the expression:
          @(Builtin StarterContracts) [MarketContract]
          $ interpret handleStarterContract
      In an equation for ‘handlers’:
            = Simulator.mkSimulatorHandlers
                @(Builtin StarterContracts) [MarketContract]
                $ interpret handleStarterContract
71 |     $ interpret handleStarterContract
   |       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

1 Answer 1


Plutus is still in active development, so changes in the API can occur every week.

For your case, go look at a similar example in the PAB.

In your specific case, you'll need to change your handlers function to :

handlers :: SimulatorEffectHandlers (Builtin StarterContracts)
handlers =
    Simulator.mkSimulatorHandlers def def 
    $ interpret (contractHandler Builtin.handleBuiltin)

Then you'll need to implement the HasDefinitions and the HasPSTypes typeclasses for your StarterContracts. For the HasPSTypes, you can just use the default implementation which is:

instance HasPSTypes StarterContracts where
    psTypes _ = []

Hope that helps.

  • 1
    Yes, this is very helpful, thank you! I also got another error after applying the new changes. it was about def not being defined anywhere, I fixed it by adding the following import statement: import Data.Default (Default (..)) Commented Aug 24, 2021 at 11:22

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