What is the Daedalus Pool Ranking Equation? Where is it defined in open source code?
A seemingly simple question, but hard to find, where the Daedalus pool ranking equation lives. Can anyone tell me exactly where in the code this is defined? I want to trust but verify, and understand.
I've been reading thru here in the github input-output-hk/daedalus, but coming up empty handed. Specifically in ../source/renderer/app/components/staking/stake-pools. I just can't seem to find where the equation exists in the code, although there's many references, such as filtering here.
Theoretically, it is defined as cited in the cardano-ledger, README, Stake pool ranking specification. It also could be the same reference, but here as well ../tree/master/docs/pool-ranking
I just can't seem to close the gap from the theoretical to Daedalus code.