I already have utxos with inline datum sitting at a wallet address (not in a smart contract address):
now I want to use this utxo in another transaction, in order to inspect it's datum, without spending the utxo:
cardano-cli transaction build-raw \
--babbage-era \
--tx-in fcb7f6692469d9a2eefb04e05241d3288aad4849303da5369465bb395cf9fe8c#1
--tx-in {other utxo to be spent}
... some outputs ...
--tx-in-collateral {collateral utxo}
--protocol-params-file pparams.json
... and so on, the usual stuff
The thing is, once I call 'transaction submit' command, I get an error:
Invalid option `--tx-in'
I am 100% confident, that error is raised from inline datum related commands. What am I doing wrong? Maybe it is impossible to read inline datums from simple wallet addresses, only from validators (by also providing plutus scripts, datums, redeemers, etc.). Or maybe my cardano-cli syntax is wrong and I am missing something?