I am running cardano-node 1.35.3 on Ubuntu 22.04 Docker container. I am attempting to run the node on the preview testnet. Below is the following error I get when running cardano-node.
Here is the Error that I am seeing
[22cbd0dd:cardano.node.PeerSelection:Error:52] [2022-09-29 04:11:19.93 UTC] TracePublicRootsFailure Network.Socket.getAddrInfo (called with preferred socket type/protocol: AddrInfo {addrFlags = [AI_ADDRCONFIG,AI_NUMERICHOST,AI_PASSIVE], addrFamily = AF_UNSPEC, addrSocketType = Datagram, addrProtocol = 0, addrAddress =, addrCanonName = Nothing}, host name: Just "", service name: Just "domain"): does not exist (Unrecognized service) (-5) 32s
[22cbd0dd:cardano.node.PeerSelection:Info:52] [2022-09-29 04:11:51.89 UTC] TraceGovernorWakeup
[22cbd0dd:cardano.node.PeerSelection:Info:52] [2022-09-29 04:11:51.89 UTC] TracePublicRootsRequest 100 0
[22cbd0dd:cardano.node.LedgerPeers:Info:50] [2022-09-29 04:11:51.89 UTC] [String "FetchingNewLedgerState",Number 0.0]
[22cbd0dd:cardano.node.LedgerPeers:Info:50] [2022-09-29 04:11:51.89 UTC] [String "FallingBackToBootstrapPeers"]
[22cbd0dd:cardano.node.LedgerPeers:Info:50] [2022-09-29 04:11:51.89 UTC] [String "UseLedgerAfter",Number 322000.0]
[22cbd0dd:cardano.node.PublicRootPeers:Info:66] [2022-09-29 04:11:51.89 UTC] TracePublicRootRelayAccessPoint [RelayAccessDomain "preview-node.world.dev.cardano.org" 30002]
Here is my cardano-node run command
cardano-node run --topology topology.json --database-path db --socket-path db/node.socket --host-addr --port 3001 --config config.json