I remember that initially the percentage of rewards for delegators was around 5.12% visiting Cardano Calculator. Now they are approximately 4.6083%.
How this is calculated? Will the percentage decrease over the years?
I remember that initially the percentage of rewards for delegators was around 5.12% visiting Cardano Calculator. Now they are approximately 4.6083%.
How this is calculated? Will the percentage decrease over the years?
As explained in the docs, rewards come from:
The sum of these is denoted by R
and the share of rewards that a given pool gets is given by:
where: R - total available rewards for this epoch
a0 - pledge influence factor (can be between 0 and infinity)
z0 - relative pool saturation size, i.e. 0.5% based on a number of desired pools (k=200)
σ - stake delegated to the pool (including stake pledged by the owners and stake delegated by others)
σ’ = min(σ, z0) - as σ, but capped at z0
s - stake pledged by the owners
s’ = min(s, z0) - as s, but capped at z0
About monetary expansion and issuance, you may check this section of the docs.
Essentially, every epoch, a fixed fraction ρ
is taken from the ADA reserves and is added into R
. From the docs:
Calculating the ‘reserve half life’ (that is, the time that it takes for half of the reserve to be used up) visualizes the impact of choosing a specific value of ρ over another. This was the subject of much discussion, and eventually, the value assigned was 0.3%. The reason why is that mathematical projections showed that a ρ (the fixed percentage of ada going into the virtual pot every epoch) value of 0.3% would mean a reserve half-life of four to five years. In simple terms, just half of the remaining reserve would be used every four to five years.
is mainly given by monetary expansion and ignore transaction fees. In that case, rewards should decrease by 50% every 4-5 years. But a more general analysis should also consider projections on network growth. I'll leave that work to you ;)