This is a follow up to my previous cabal build problem. I ran cabal update. Then cabal build was killed. I tried increasing Docker memory from 2GB to 3GB. My old Mac has 8GB, Activity Monitor peaked at 6.7GB

Completed ouroboros-network-framework- (lib) cabal: Failed to build cardano-crypto-class-2.0.0 (which is required by exe:plutus-starter-pab from plutus-starter- and test:plutus-example-projects-test from plutus-starter- The build process was killed (i.e. SIGKILL). The typical reason for this is that there is not enough memory available (e.g. the OS killed a process using lots of memory). Failed to build iohk-monitoring- (which is required by exe:plutus-starter-pab from plutus-starter- and test:plutus-example-projects-test from plutus-starter- The build process was killed (i.e. SIGKILL). The typical reason for this is that there is not enough memory available (e.g. the OS killed a process using lots of memory).

1 Answer 1


You will not be able to build this in less than 8G of RAM. Adding swap to make the total memory at least 8G may help.

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