I stumbled upon Society token, in multi_assets table via cardano-db-sync it has 2 entries with same name but the meta data difference is minimal, as well they're fingerprints are different
- policy = 25f0fc240e91bd95dcdaebd2ba7713fc5168ac77234a3d79449fc20c
- name = 534f4349455459
- fingerprint = asset1tpsewdtydk223j2tkx2wh09qptuyge638246u4
- policy = 24ecd375f858e31b20ec8c16a19b2c4efededf66f1f994325c41dcc1
- name = 534f4349455459
- fingerprint = asset12sq05wm7ujttuzz5v7a3rulgw0zfy2j8e4uez6
- How to acknowledge which of the entry is the correct one ?
- Are we dealing with an copycat actually, that somebody has made the exact meta data entry?