I am not a developer, just a hobbyist.
I installed the Cardano Node (1.33.0-win64) so that I could point my Nami Wallet Browser Extension to it, rather than the web server node Nami points to by default. Ever since installing the node, I get browser errors that reference the Cardano Node and "WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming" (full console error from dev tools below). Just visiting websites is all it takes to get the errors.
Can someone help me learn more about this, and perhaps point me in the direction to a solution? I could just uninstall the node, but I want to solve the issue.
Thank you!
cardano_serialization_lib.js:13074 GET https://www.google.com/wasm/csl-v10.0.4.wasm 404
cardano_serialization_lib_init @ cardano_serialization_lib.js:13074
(anonymous) @ CardanoSerializationLib.ts:11
(anonymous) @ CardanoSerializationLib.ts:15
(anonymous) @ dom-script.js:27
(anonymous) @ dom-script.js:27
cardano_serialization_lib.js:12883 WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming
failed because your server does not serve wasm with application/wasm
MIME type. Falling back to WebAssembly.instantiate
which is slower. Original error:
TypeError: Failed to execute 'compile' on 'WebAssembly': HTTP status code is not ok
load @ cardano_serialization_lib.js:12883
await in load (async)
cardano_serialization_lib_init @ cardano_serialization_lib.js:13079
await in cardano_serialization_lib_init (async)
(anonymous) @ CardanoSerializationLib.ts:11
(anonymous) @ CardanoSerializationLib.ts:15
(anonymous) @ dom-script.js:27
(anonymous) @ dom-script.js:27