Why was the platform/foundation named after Gerolamo Cardano?
I think the answer you are looking for can be found at the 3:10 mark (bold part in the transcript below) on this video, but for the consistency of ideas please watch from the 1:43.
The transcript of ...
Why was the platform/foundation named after Gerolamo Cardano?
"I only know him for publishing general solutions for cubic and quartic equations."
In 1550 he also introduced a cryptographic writing tool called the Cardan grille which uses a grid.
The ...
Why is the growth in value of ADA being described as "parabolic" rather than "exponential" or something else?
Searching Google for "cardano ada exponential" gives ~305k results.
Searching Google for "cardano ada parabolic" gives ~309k results.
Likely is just some resistance in the ...
A summary on the goal of Cardano
The phrase I like to use often is that Cardano is "An operating system for the decentralized web".
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