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33 votes

What do I need to run a stake pool?

Running a stake pool requires two main components, technical ability and marketing savvy. I'll outline some of this at a high level for you below. Technical Linux server administration. You must be ...
nalyd88's user avatar
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18 votes

What do I need to run a stake pool?

This is the guide that I used and also included the prerequisites from their site below: Prerequisites ...
Mike's user avatar
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17 votes

How does one decide what is the best stake pool to delegate to?

There are lots of reasons to choose a stake pool other than the parameters and the ranking in Daedalus. It depends on your values. Do you value decentralization? Do you want to support a big pool ...
OakAndClay's user avatar
15 votes

Are there safeguards preventing big centralised exchanges like Binance and Kraken from having too much power in projects like Catalyst?

The current voting process is anonymous. It will be impossible to prevent any major ADA holders from influencing voting to favor a particular project proposal and take money from Treasury. However, ...
raghu's user avatar
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13 votes

What is an Initial Stake-pool Offering (ISO)?

There is a blog post that describes it quite well: Basically they will create a Cardano stake ...
eddex's user avatar
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13 votes

What are the benefits of the two accounts model?

For the user, yes, it would be easier to just get your rewards on your spending account as a UTXO. However, this is not scalable at all. What this means is that every 5 days, the network would be ...
Andrew Westberg - BCSH's user avatar
12 votes

Why is PoS much faster than PoW?

I would not say that PoS is faster per se, but you have to carefully balance PoW challenges in order to avoid single entities or groups to dominate the blockchain with huge computing powers. This ...
Peter1807's user avatar
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9 votes

Will I receive rewards for all epochs when I switch my stake pool?

You will continue to get rewards every epoch. Cardano works on epoch "snapshots" that occur every 5 days. It takes 3 epochs to get paid the rewards from a snapshot. This means that if you ...
nalyd88's user avatar
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8 votes

What is the expected ROA (Return of ADA) after all coins are minted?

To start, all ADA does already exist and is accounted for, as seen in the Introduction section on page 4 of the Cardano ledger spec. The spec states that, from genesis, there was about 13,000,000,000 ...
EGMSSE's user avatar
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8 votes

What is the expected ROA (Return of ADA) after all coins are minted?

In ADA all coins are already minted. The total supply is 45 billion tokens. About 13 billion coins are not used and are "locked" in the treasury. It is used to be able to pay out the rewards ...
Niek Sjaardema's user avatar
8 votes

How are Staking rewards calculated?

As explained in the docs, rewards come from: Transaction fees (increases in time if adoption and network traffic increases) Monetary expansion (decreases in time) The sum of these is denoted by R ...
vaz's user avatar
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8 votes

Is there any risk in sharing my rewards address?

The only risks associated with sharing any kind of public/verification keys or addresses have to do with de-anonymization. If you are concerned with Maladex, your ISP, a traffic sniffer, or any other ...
zhekson's user avatar
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7 votes

How to delegate ada to several staking pools using only one wallet?

In Yoroi, it is possible to delegate to multiple pools using a single wallet, but not in Daedalus. To delegate to multiple pools in Daedalus, you will need to create separate wallets. The stake ...
TiDJ's user avatar
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7 votes

Can ADA locked on a script be staked?

An Ada address is made up of 2 separate credentials, one for payment and one for staking. These are both treated independently and one, the other or both can be script hashes instead of plain key ...
Samuel Leathers's user avatar
6 votes

Why are staking rewards still coming to my Daedalus wallet when I moved the funds to a hardware wallet?

You start getting rewards 3 epochs after you first delegate. You will be getting your reward for the next 3 epochs after you move, unless you un-delegate and get back the 2 Ada you initially deposited....
Pchap's user avatar
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6 votes

Ideal computer specifications for own staking?

To earn staking rewards, there is no requirement to run your own pool. You can use Yoroi app for Phone or Daedalus application for Computer. You can delegate to pools in the app and earn rewards. ...
raghu's user avatar
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6 votes

How is it possible to know how many blocks a pool will mint in the next epoch?

Yes, the slots allotted to a pool for minting in the next epoch can be calculated (36 Hours before the epoch). Cncli is a community tool (available at github repository) made by, Andrew Westberg (@...
raghu's user avatar
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6 votes

How does stake pool saturation prevent centralization?

As the article says, pool saturation helps to "divide" delegated ADA into different pools, this mean that not only big pools can be chosen from the algorithm to verify a block but also the ...
Nic_T2H's user avatar
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6 votes

What is the minimum amount of Ada needed to stake?

There is an initial 2.17 ADA fee when delegating a wallet for the first time. Here's the breakdown of that: 2 ADA deposit goes towards registering your stake address on the blockchain and ~0.17 ADA is ...
BETTR Stake Pool's user avatar
6 votes

How to convert a Stake Key Address from hash to BECH32?

The beech32 representation is a bit tricky, but you can do it like this: const stakeKey = StakeCredential.from_bytes(from_hex('7622b4611b15441e7e15cba128ff999ad72388aeb267adc6e70cc9bc')); const ...
Jan B.'s user avatar
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5 votes

Is it possible to reuse the blockchain for both relay and block producing nodes?

You can't share the underlying data folder so will need a copy for each node. However, you can pre-seed them by syncing one, then duplicating its db folder into the others, so that when they start up ...
Danny Tuppeny - CODER's user avatar
5 votes

Why do Daedalus Rewards Report Epoch End Dates differ from other sources?

Rewards for a given epoch X are paid out at the end of the next epoch, X+1. This is because the calculation of which stake keys get rewards is done during epoch X+1. Applying this to your example, the ...
Ben NOBLE's user avatar
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5 votes

How can I withdraw ADA from delegation to a pool?

Yes, it does. At the moment you deregister your stake key, you will get your deposit back and at that moment, you are no longer able to receive rewards. All your rewards will go to the treasury.
Marek Mahut - StakeNuts's user avatar
5 votes

How can I withdraw ADA from delegation to a pool?

Delegating, undelegating, deregistering When you delegate for the first time, only 2 Ada is "locked up." The rest of your Ada can be spent at any time you choose. So if you're simply wanting ...
Darlington Kofa's user avatar
5 votes

How do I properly derive a stake key from an address using Bech32?

Credit to someone on Reddit who helped me with this: Deriving the staking address requires you to manually update the header byte before bech32 encoding the hex account. All I needed to do was add e1 ...
ImminentFate's user avatar
5 votes

Is "nothing at stake" still a problem?

Nothing at stake usually means, a block producer may produce multiple blocks simultaneously and either send those to different nodes, or keep some for later in order to perform a long-range attack. ...
Markus - CLIO1's user avatar
5 votes

How is it possible to know how many blocks a pool will mint in the next epoch?

Also wouldn't this mean that one could always check which pool has the most blocks assigned and then switch to that pool for the next epoch? The number of blocks calculated for the next epoch is, ...
Chrismo's user avatar
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5 votes

How does stake pool saturation prevent centralization?

The saturation parameter (k) should be considered alongside the pledge influence parameter (a0). The purpose of a0 is to incentivize pool operators to delegate a larger pledge to their own pool by ...
Chrismo's user avatar
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5 votes

How can I receive, earn or stake Cardano without buying it on an exchange first?

Offer a service which people with ADA are willing to pay for.
Keith Wolters's user avatar
4 votes

Why are staking rewards still coming to my Daedalus wallet when I moved the funds to a hardware wallet?

This is due, as you said, to the way Cardano is setup with epochs. Your ADA in your Daedalus wallet were included in a snap shot and then you moved your ADA. Once ADA is included in a snap shot, it ...
nalyd88's user avatar
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