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3 votes

How to Start a New Project

There is no npx create-react-app my-app on cardano unfortunately, but there is a helpful repository that has the project structure necessary to start working with plutus. So, first, you need to nix-...
Mateus's user avatar
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2 votes

Documentation for developing a personal Cardano project

You can have a look at for some general information about Cardano. For APIs and tools, has a big collection of useful ...
eddex's user avatar
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Starting a new Plutus Project

The plutus starter is the ideal template to start with new Plutus projects and like William said the IOG repo is quite outdated at this time. I have created an updated branch for the plutus-starter. I ...
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Starting a new Plutus Project

Great point, unfortunately IO has been a bit behind in regards to updating some of its skeleton repos as you've already pointed out. In regards to the correct tags for repos - there is actually only ...
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How to Start a New Project

If your app is fairly simple and all you need is to be able to send transactions to an address, send transactions to a smart contract or redeem assets from a smart contract then there is a create-...
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