I am in a bit weird situation. I am having some trouble with metadata for NFT I am minting.
So, this is the asset on pool.pm: https://pool.pm/asset1q6fku9qrfld526pfdm746qu3j7wtgvuh5xet9u
And again on adaptors.org: https://adapools.org/transactions/3bec2e04ecf374d8d341f6d4ef38c2b1b70b1817cb2e6a9fa197b2aea7dd8de2/metadata
When viewing the asset on pool.pm it shows an error:
Expecting an OBJECT with a field named `721`
But viewing it on adapools.org show that 721 tag is there.
And this is the actual metadata submitted in the transaction. What am I doing wrong here? And why is it messing pool.pm viewing?
"721": {
"b767134d5185d7d7be2234855cc732c8b3b42d8b956b84244c83015c": {
"TestNFT5": {
"Name": "TestNFT #5",
"Collection": "Multi-asset minting",
"Description": "Used for testing multi-asset minting",
"Mythic": "True",
"Mythic Name": "Ancient",
"Wizard Type": "Alcemist",
"Ring Name": "Vollzabar",
"mediaType": "image/jpg",
"image": "ipfs://QmXEyaE9GQJ2Qbgzozjfb23drA5jaU9qXJu8jNPPxysZhu"
Any help will be appreciated!
Edit: Naturally, I have validated metadata before minting using https://pool.pm/test/metadata and no errors were shown.