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Using `curSymbol` function in Validator script

supposed I have a mintingpolicy script (simple one time minting policy, parameterizing TxOutRef) and a validator script. I want to validate if the token with correct CurrencySymbol is spent in a ...
SIDAN Whatever's user avatar
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How to use plutus script withness in other plutus script

How can we reference the use of other scripts in a plutus validator?. Wat I was trying to making is an validator that only validates if an other predetermined plutus scripts also validates in the same ...
Fermat's user avatar
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How can you use Ledger.Constraints in the Validator?

Hi i have noticed that you can get the unspent UTxOs in an wallet address using the Ledger. Constraints module. I want to know can I use it the same in the mkValidator as in the Endpoints? The general ...
KryptoKing's user avatar
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Confusion regarding findOwnInput function with on-chain code

Context I was looking for a simple way to get exact TxOut on on-chain code to validate if funds are to be unlocked to correct wallet address. While looking in plutus haddoc I have found this function: ...
KugisMugis's user avatar
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Applycode to untyped validator, template Haskell

I am trying to learn the basics of the PlutusTx module. In this module is a function applyCode which maps the signatures CompiledCodeIn uni fun (a -> b) -> CompiledCodeIn uni fun a -> ...
Fermat's user avatar
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How do I call the amount of ADA sent to a validator script in an Integer

I am trying to create a validator function that only lets the user send ADA to the creator of the script if the user sends x amount of ADA how to I find out the amount of ADA the user sent and then ...
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