I'm trying to convert a V1 contract to V2, and I have offchain code that mints a token with a OneShotCurrency, and then pays the token plus 1 ada to my script.
It worked with Plutus libraries from Feb. 2022, but I'm trying to upgrade it to match the upcoming Vasil HF, so I'm using plutus-apps v1.0.0-alpha1
In the emulator it is currently giving me this error:
TxnValidationFail Phase1 d6dddf483108cdd66915dac9c81d5c41263de34272366f11517debd1597ba3fc:
CardanoLedgerValidationError "ApplyTxError [UtxowFailure (UtxoFailure
(BabbageOutputTooSmallUTxO [((Addr Testnet ...
It appears that the min Ada amount is higher than 1 Ada, because if I change it to 10 Ada, it works.
Does anyone know if there's Plutus code for checking for the minAda required for a tx, without using the cardano-cli?