Using Blockfrost API, I can query a stake address, and receive known addresses that have "state=used" like when I query them on my local node via Cardano-Wallet. I am interested in "state=unused" though. How can I get unused receiving addresses for a stake key using Blockfrost API?

EDIT: When I use:

localhost:[port]/v2/wallets/[wallet id]/addresses?state=unused' | jq '.[0]

...on my local instance of cardano-wallet, I get the first addr for the wallet that has state=unused I was hoping for something similar from the blockfrost api - so I could avoid having to setup something that provides it to my web app from my local linux box where I have cardano-node & cardano-wallet running

2 Answers 2


The ask seems fundamentally wrong, as unused wallets - by definition - are not on-chain and can only be derived using root public keys (in case you haven't, could be helpful for you to check BIP-44 spec that is used by cardano-wallet ). The derivation of addresses can be easily achieved via one of the SDK/libs offline (you can find many of them at developer portal - most popular ones being cardano-serialisation-lib and cardano-multiplatform-lib).

Some notes tho about these (adding here, tho it may not be relevant for your context):

  1. There can be close to infinite unused addresses for a given stake account. You may see limited number of addresses because of default BIP-44 address gap (20), but that will not be all-inclusive list.
  2. One can only derive addresses at different address idx if they have the root pub key, wouldn't be a good practice to rely on external services, especially when you have libraries to do it locally.
  3. Even if you were to use a remote service that would provide list of addresses , from query pov - it would never be guaranteed to include different combinations of payment and stake key credentials , as they can also be merged across from different wallets.
  • Thank you for taking the time to answer. When I use: > localhost:[port]/v2/wallets/[wallet id]/addresses?state=unused' | jq '.[0] on my local instance of cardano-wallet, I get the first addr for the wallet that has state=unused I was hoping for something similar from the blockfrost api - so I could avoid having to setup something that provides it to my web app from my local linux box where I have cardano-node & cardano-wallet running Commented Jul 19, 2022 at 15:08
  • You do not need cardano-node/cardano-wallet/etc running, the links above refer to SDKs/libs that should allow you to do this on the device where private keys , while fetching tx-in/UTxO details can be from blockfrost.io/koios.rest/etc
    – RdLrT
    Commented Jul 21, 2022 at 6:39

So the correct answer appears to be: "That's not possible". The Blockfrost API does not have a utility call of any kind that returns an unused address of a given wallet.

The Blockfrost API does have a call that returns known used addresses from the blockchain though.

To generate an address for a given set of private keys, I can use one of the libraries as mentioned by RdLrt, thank you.

cardano-serialisation-lib or cardano-multiplatform-lib.

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