If you can help me with this I will really appreciate it. I have worked through the token construction tutorial on Cardano docs https://docs.cardano.org/core-concepts/cardano-addresses. Using the command line I can successfully create transactions
cardano-cli transaction-build-raw /
--fee 0 /
--tx-in ${TxHash}#$T{xIX} /
--tx-out ${receiveAddress}+${amountToSend} /
--out-file mat.raw
when running this command I can successfully send ada to my Nami wallet if I set the variable:
This address can be obtained by clicking the nami wallet "receive button" and copying the address. This part works fine.
I am trying to tie this transaction building command to a button in javascript. To do this I am looking at CIP-30. https://cips.cardano.org/cips/cip30/. But when I use the injected javascript from Namie wallet
''' let address = await cardano.getChangeAddress() ''' the variable address is a string not in the proper format. "0028cc15dc1f3efc362954ce9e539dbb7b948743a8e7a980abdcd8d709a8c5faddce469811d4d6d1970ebf565d91dfc7347864cc996fae1757". What is this format? How do I convert it to the Addr_test- string?
Thank you in advance!