Transition function throws an error. Here it is.
transition :: FreelanceContract -> State FContractDatum -> FContractRedeemer -> Maybe (TxConstraints Void Void, State FContractDatum)
transition fc s r =
case (stateValue s, stateData s, r) of
_ -> Just (Constraints.mustBeSignedBy (freelancer fc) , State (FContractDatum 1 (Just 0)) (lovelaceValueOf 2))
Here is the wallet code for submitting the transaction
case m of
Nothing -> throwError "Contract ouput not found"
Just ((o, _), _) -> case tyTxOutData o of
FContractDatum 0 Nothing -> do
logInfo @String "Contract found. Accepting..."
void $ mapError' $ runStep client Accept
logInfo @String "Contract Accepted"
_ -> throwError "unexpected datum"
And here is the error that is thrown when I run my trace.
I have boiled this code down to its simplest parts, but still, the error persists. :/
Constraints.mustBeSignedBy (freelancer fc)
? The Wallet sending the transaction might not belong tofreelancer fc