For example to list UTXO is something like this

cardano-cli query utxo —mainnet —address addrX

which returns as an example

                               TxHash                                 TxIx        Amount
txHashA     0        1500000 lovelace
txHashB     1        1500000 lovelace

but for native assets it returns the UTXO as the following (NFT example)

                           TxHash                                 TxIx        Amount
txHashC     0        1500000 lovelace + 1 someHash???.SomeNft1
txHashD     1        1500000 lovelace + 1 someHash???.SomeNft2

My main goal is to understand how to send one to many native assets in a single transaction

  • I'm having trouble signing this transaction. I get: Invalid argument `payment.vkey'
    – user4581
    Commented Oct 27, 2021 at 1:19

1 Answer 1


Basically, according to the docs.cardano.org:

cardano-cli transaction build-raw \
         --mary-era \
             --fee 178393 \
             --tx-in fd0790f3984348f65ee22f35480b873b4eb9862065514f3e3a9c0f04d0a6ad63#0 \
             --tx-out addr_test1vp8s8zu6mr73nvlsjf935k0a38n8xvp3fptkyz2vl8pserqkcx5yz+10000000+"1 328a60495759e0d8e244eca5b85b2467d142c8a755d6cd0592dff47b.melcoin" \
             --tx-out addr_test1vqvlku0ytscqg32rpv660uu4sgxlje25s5xrpz7zjqsva3c8pfckz+989643522+"999999999 328a60495759e0d8e244eca5b85b2467d142c8a755d6cd0592dff47b.melcoin" \
             --out-file rec_matx.raw

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