According type applications, this extension allows to give explicit type arguments to a polymorphic function.

type VestingSchema =
             Endpoint "give" GiveParams
         .\/ Endpoint "grab" ()
-- ...
endpoints :: Contract () VestingSchema Text ()
endpoints = awaitPromise (give' `select` grab') >> endpoints
     give' = endpoint @"give" give
     grab' = endpoint @"grab" $ const grab

This does not allows to give values to a polymorphic function, so I have figured out that actually those "strings" at @"give" and @"grab" are actually something similar to types, because the type Endpoint has this type/kind signature:

type Endpoint :: ghc-prim-0.6.1:GHC.Types.Symbol
                 -> * -> row-types- *
type Endpoint l a =
  row-types- (Wallet.Types.EndpointValue
  :: row-types- *
        -- Defined in ‘Plutus.Contract.Request

So that l has kind Symbol. Why this is working with TypeApplications? Can I use this "give" and "grab" as type and/or type constructors anywhere in my code?

1 Answer 1


The extension that you are after is not TypeAplications, but DataKinds. I liked the explanations here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/20558648/what-is-the-datakinds-extension-of-haskell

  • DataKinds explains why Endpoint can receive a type as argument and return a concret type, but it does not explain why I am allowed to use "give" and "grab" as type references on @ operator argument Commented Feb 21, 2022 at 18:44
  • No, because of DataKinds you can use "give" as a type, both in Endpoint and in the type application. Because of the DataKindsextension, String becomes a kind and the values of type String become types of kind String. Commented Feb 21, 2022 at 19:12
  • 1
    Also see the example Lars gave in the lecture youtu.be/…: 1. type application allows us to disambiguate the type of callEndpoint 2. data kinds allows us to use type-level strings Commented Feb 21, 2022 at 19:37

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