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22 votes

How can a developer access the Cardano network?

If you use Nix or NixOs, it is rather straightforward: Build the code for a cardano node using nix (link to current documentation) Duplicating the official documentation: git clone
Stephane Rolland's user avatar
13 votes

How can a developer access the Cardano network?

There are also ways to use services where you can make API requests to interact with the Cardano blockchain. (without the need to run your own cardano-node) You could for example sign in on Blockfrost ...
adatainment's user avatar
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12 votes

How to convert a cardano address into a public key hash?

I think you're looking for this: cardano-cli address key-hash --payment-verification-key STRING cardano-cli address key-hash --payment-verification-key-file FILE You should use your payment.vkey
georgeos's user avatar
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12 votes

What is the testnet-magic argument and why is it 1097911063?

The testnet magic, aka protocol magic, is a parameter introduced in Cardano during the Byron era. It is used internally by the protocol in cryptographic functions that construct addresses from a seed. ...
vaz's user avatar
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12 votes

How to convert posixTime to slot number on Cardano Testnet

I share this code snippet with the converter. module Week03.Converter ( posixTimeToSlotTestnetConverter ) where import Ledger ( POSIXTime(POSIXTime), Slot(Slot) ) import Ledger.TimeSlot ( ...
kindofdev's user avatar
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10 votes

How can a developer access the Cardano network?

Generally, there are several options you could pursue. Start a stake pool on test-net and then launch one on main-net. How to build a Cardano Stake Pool. Get involved with project catalyst. Offer ...
OakAndClay's user avatar
7 votes

Is the Cardano testnet indefinite and immutable?

No, there are plans to reset the testnet in the future, probably sometime after Goguen. But it is immutable forever, if you keep the blockchain data.
Marek Mahut - StakeNuts's user avatar
6 votes

How can a private network be created besides Mainnet and Testnet?

It is definitely possible to do that. You can edit genesis and config files to your taste. Creating a local network is the purpose of the script here and there is a guide here. There is also a similar ...
andycandy's user avatar
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6 votes

Does the testnet faucet still exist? How to create testnet ADA?

You can request tAda from the test faucet here. By adding an address without an API key you will receive 1000 tAda. You could also request an API key from IOHK to have a bespoke amount of tAda/...
Eddy Schauman-Haigh's user avatar
6 votes

How to convert a cardano address into a public key hash?

If anyone is trying to do this using cardano-serialization-lib and Nami: const PUBKEY_HASH = async () => { const cardano = window.cardano; const pkh = Loader.Cardano.BaseAddress.from_address( ...
Mateus's user avatar
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6 votes

What are the protocol magic values for the preview and preprod test networks?

You can check the byron or shelley genesis files for protocolMagic or networkMagic respectively. Genesis files for each network can be found here:
james's user avatar
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5 votes

Cardano CLI - Error submitting transaction for minting a token

Where you submit transactions to the blockchain, you typically go through the following steps. build the transaction without any fees calculate the transaction fees rebuild the transaction with the ...
Matt Ho's user avatar
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5 votes

How to connect Yoroi to testnet?

You need to install Yoroi Nightly.
Marek Mahut - StakeNuts's user avatar
5 votes

When will the pioneers testnet go live?

There is currently no announcement regarding a date. I have seen rumours that the Plutus Pioneer testnet is already up and running (probably caused by a web page that displays timers at certain ...
adatainment's user avatar
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4 votes

Error running Testnet node: unwrapEnvelopeErr = ObsoleteNodeCHAIN BlockNo 2989599 SlotNo 39614381

The solution for this problem is to download the latest version of cardano-node. 1.29 is broken for testnet, but the 1.30.1 works perfectly. Download here: (
Daniel Cukier's user avatar
4 votes

PAB connection to public testnet or mainnet (Example/Tutorial)

You have the best instruction here Also after the setup on the above link, you can use this starter project generated from the Plutus ...
zarej's user avatar
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4 votes

How do you publish on-chain code to mainnet and testnet?

First of all on-chain code isn't stored in the blockchain, the hash of on-chain code is. To use on-chain validator on testnet or mainnet steps are: Compile on-chain code into plutus script Generate ...
KugisMugis's user avatar
4 votes

When was the slot duration set to 1 sec on Cardano Testnet?

I did a little bit of digging. Block 1597133, created on 2020/07/28 20:20:16 was the first block to use 1 second per slot. Epoch Slot Block Created Delta Next Slot Delta Next Created Time Per Slot ...
Travis's user avatar
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4 votes

How to convert posixTime to slot number on Cardano Testnet

The accepted answer already explains how the calculation must be made and provides a sample code in Haskell; however, I will also leave here a simple snippet of code in Java, removing all the Haskell ...
AngelCastillo's user avatar
3 votes

Empty txInfoSignatories after building transaction with cardano-cli

------ UPDATE------ Since version 1.31 of cardano-cli, there is the following option to sign the transaction when it is built, so you can avoid that error from the script: --required-signer FILE ...
georgeos's user avatar
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3 votes

What tools do I have for building a Cardano Dapp right now?

It is very possible to create an NFT on Cardano since the very second native tokens were supported, which was back in January. I advise you to provide lasting power and permanence to your NFTs by ...
intrinsic-values's user avatar
3 votes

How can a private network be created besides Mainnet and Testnet?

I'm not very familiar where you would find the right documentation, but it certainly is possible to have multiple cardano-node be connecting to each other, forming a private network. Such a network ...
Sebastian Nagel's user avatar
3 votes

Is the metadata limit on testnet transactions the same as mainnet?

The transaction metadata limit is the same on both networks, as they share the same ledger rules.
Marek Mahut - StakeNuts's user avatar
3 votes

PPViewHashesDontMatch and UnspendableUTxONoDatumHash error on redeeming funds from week03 example

Order of parameters is important!!! From cardano-cli transaction build --help: Usage: cardano-cli transaction build ...
KugisMugis's user avatar
3 votes

Preview and Pre-Production Testnet Configs

Pre-production: [chain] byron_epoch_length = 432000 byron_slot_length = 20 byron_known_slot = 0 byron_known_hash = "9ad7ff320c9cf74e0f5ee78d22a85ce42bb0a487d0506bf60cfb5a91ea4497d2" ...
Casey Gibson's user avatar
3 votes

Unable to run cardano-node on Preview and Pre-Production Testnet

When I copied and pasted text, I faced the similar problem. May be formatting matters. Try getting raw files directly from github like: curl -O -J
Adam's user avatar
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2 votes

How to convert a cardano address into a public key hash?

I am working on this as well... I am not sure but this seems quite promising Maybe this is usefull as well
Alicia Basilio's user avatar
2 votes

How to convert a cardano address into a public key hash?

You can use the "cardano-address address inspect" syntax to get the public key hash from an address without requiring the verification key. Requiring the verification key assumes having ...
Genty SAMVURA's user avatar
2 votes

Sync Daedalus with a local testnet node

To anyone who may need a similar setup, I got this working after many trials. From my local cardano node, I copied the contents of the db directory into the chain directory of the Daedalus wallet. I ...
Skelli's user avatar
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