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12 votes

How to convert a cardano address into a public key hash?

I think you're looking for this: cardano-cli address key-hash --payment-verification-key STRING cardano-cli address key-hash --payment-verification-key-file FILE You should use your payment.vkey
georgeos's user avatar
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6 votes

How to convert a cardano address into a public key hash?

If anyone is trying to do this using cardano-serialization-lib and Nami: const PUBKEY_HASH = async () => { const cardano = window.cardano; const pkh = Loader.Cardano.BaseAddress.from_address( ...
Mateus's user avatar
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6 votes

How to convert a Stake Key Address from hash to BECH32?

The beech32 representation is a bit tricky, but you can do it like this: const stakeKey = StakeCredential.from_bytes(from_hex('7622b4611b15441e7e15cba128ff999ad72388aeb267adc6e70cc9bc')); const ...
Jan B.'s user avatar
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5 votes

Is it possible to generate your own Cardano ADA private keys and public addresses externally and import it later for use into a wallet?

There are a variety of projects within the IOHK Github repository that may give the correct level of interaction you desire. After some digging I think the cardano-addresses project would fulfill your ...
Zaytion's user avatar
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5 votes

How to recover a wallet in cardano-cli from a 24-word mnemonic

cardano-cli does not support mnemonic derivation natively, so you'd have to use cardano-wallet software: Install cardnao-wallet or cardano-addresses and put the executables in your $PATH. I will be ...
zhekson's user avatar
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3 votes

How to verify signed data?

To start with, Message Signing in Cardano follows CIP-0008 Reading this would give a more idea around message signing. Answer to your ...
Mehul Prajapati's user avatar
3 votes

How to get PubKeyHash of an address without vkey?

You can see the CDDL spec for full details: In the case of a payment base address (the ...
Samuel Leathers's user avatar
2 votes

Where can I find an official docs about private and public keys' generation?

This page is pretty good with the cli commands needed for doing this: I remember seeing some examples in Python that just ...
Matt's user avatar
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2 votes

How to convert a cardano address into a public key hash?

I am working on this as well... I am not sure but this seems quite promising Maybe this is usefull as well
Alicia Basilio's user avatar
2 votes

How to obtain PubKeyHash from Address ShelleyAddr

There is now the function shelleyPayAddrToPlutusPubKHash in cardano-api which returns Maybe PubKeyHash because in the case of a script credential there is no corresponding public key hash.
Jim's user avatar
  • 76
2 votes

relationship between seed phrase, wallet address, public key, UTxO, verification key, and signing key

The seed phrase corresponds to the root key for derivation. From that root key you can derive account keys (unique wallets with their own payment/stake keys) and the account key typically derives a ...
Samuel Leathers's user avatar
2 votes

relationship between seed phrase, wallet address, public key, UTxO, verification key, and signing key

Firstly, UTXOs are not “public keys” anymore so than mail is not your mailbox. Think of your wallet/address as the mailbox, the UTXO as the mail, and the .skey as the key to the mailbox. It is true ...
zhekson's user avatar
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2 votes

How to convert a cardano address into a public key hash?

You can use the "cardano-address address inspect" syntax to get the public key hash from an address without requiring the verification key. Requiring the verification key assumes having ...
Genty SAMVURA's user avatar
2 votes

How to Access Secret Key Hash and PKH from a web wallet?

You can't directly access private keys of your users; those should reside safely in their wallet only. There is, however, a way you can have their wallet use those keys to sign data that you pass over....
sean's user avatar
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1 vote

How to Access Secret Key Hash and PKH from a web wallet?

You can't access the secret/private key of a wallet connected to your web site.
eddex's user avatar
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pub-key hash for Plutus Pioneers - self-certification challenge

Found a great explanation of what the public key hash is: Found one method of obtaining the public key hash from ...
John Shearing's user avatar
1 vote

Key derivation are unclear

You're mixing up between an HD Wallet and payment/stake address keys. HD Wallet is off-chain concept, creating root keys for which are described here. You'd essentially be able to derive root key of ...
RdLrT's user avatar
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1 vote

Getting PubKey from bech32 address

No, the public key (also verification key) cannot be derived from a bech32 address. Only the hash of the public key is encoded in the address. The verification key is secret as long as it is not used ...
Fermat's user avatar
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How to get PublicKey from PrivateKey

You can follow the instructions here to derive different addresses from the rootKey you've already created:
sean's user avatar
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Read key from cose_key returned in signData()

Since it's mentioned in CIP-0030 that the key for the header associated with the public key is -2, I spent some time in the debugger and managed to fetch it with this code. const coseKey = ...
zing's user avatar
  • 135
1 vote

Listing all UTXOs spend by a script as well as the public key it came from

sorry can you please be more specific? what exactly do you mean "ist all Utxos that were consumed by my script " ? do you need a list of UTXOs for a specific address? and additionally, do ...
TTS17's user avatar
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Convert xpub public key from ccvault to bech32 or acct_ public key

You can use the bech32 command line software that comes preinstalled with cardano-wallet. Install bech32 or cardano-wallet. Here is an example: Say I have an cc.xpub file from ccvault like this: ...
zhekson's user avatar
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Is it possible to link multiple addresses built from different stake key pairs but one payment key pair?

You can bech32 decode an address to check the address in raw form (for a given payment address, assume first 58 chars will be the same). Thus: echo ...
RdLrT's user avatar
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How to get PubKeyHash of an address without vkey?

Check out cardano-addresses, and scroll to the "how to inspect address" section
zhekson's user avatar
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How to obtain PubKeyHash from Address ShelleyAddr

This compiles with a recent version of cardano-node and plutus: import Plutus.V1.Ledger.Api (PubKeyHash) import Cardano.Ledger.Alonzo.TxInfo (transKeyHash) import Cardano.Api (ShelleyAddr) import ...
insitu's user avatar
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Impossible to use extended keys with cardano-cli transaction build --required-signer flag

I'm working on similar problem, but i thing this answer should solve your problem:
ploenne's user avatar
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1 vote

Are Smart Contracts bytecode encrypted?

No, on-chain scripts are completely public and can be decoded easily to reveal the data stored inside the contract.
sorki's user avatar
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Can I Share Daedalus Public Key?

Cryptography is the science of secret writing with the intention of keeping the data secret. Cryptography is classified into symmetric cryptography, asymmetric cryptography and hashing. Private Key: ...
James Murtagh's user avatar
1 vote

Can I Share Daedalus Public Key?

for the sake of potential loss of your balance i wold say dont untill your absolutely sure but you would assume yes seeing as its called a public key meaning its publicly visible
James Murtagh's user avatar

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