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11 votes

What is the maximum number of contracts Cardano can store?

In Cardano, the smart contractors are submitted as transactions with a validator script. Funds locked in the smart contract are in UTXO with the address as the "Script Address". And based on ...
raghu's user avatar
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8 votes

How to restore a wallet with 24 words and passphrase?

The wallets support "hidden" wallets on hardware devices with passphrases but you can't restore the wallet directly into Daedalus or Yoroi. Instead, you need to restore the wallet to a new ...
nalyd88's user avatar
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6 votes

Why are staking rewards still coming to my Daedalus wallet when I moved the funds to a hardware wallet?

You start getting rewards 3 epochs after you first delegate. You will be getting your reward for the next 3 epochs after you move, unless you un-delegate and get back the 2 Ada you initially deposited....
Pchap's user avatar
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6 votes

How will Cardano address the ledger growth problem?

The answer to this question is not clear yet, as more research is needed into this problem. For now, the effort is to prevent the blockchain growing into large sizes with using layer one two solutions ...
Marek Mahut - StakeNuts's user avatar
5 votes

What are input endorsers and how do they make Cardano more scalable?

Here is a link to the original Ouroboros paper from 2016: If you scroll to section 8.1, input endorsers (IE) are discussed and generalized in close proximity to ...
zhekson's user avatar
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5 votes

How to restore a wallet with 24 words and passphrase?

By April 2021, there is no software solution for Cardano wallets that supports such combination. There is an open source tool (and its extended fork) on the Github to convert such mnemonics. It ...
FelikZ's user avatar
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4 votes

Why are staking rewards still coming to my Daedalus wallet when I moved the funds to a hardware wallet?

This is due, as you said, to the way Cardano is setup with epochs. Your ADA in your Daedalus wallet were included in a snap shot and then you moved your ADA. Once ADA is included in a snap shot, it ...
nalyd88's user avatar
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4 votes

How are staking rewards stored?

Cardano is using what we call a chimeric ledger, which means it uses both account (similar to Ethereum) and UTxO (similar to Bitcoin) style accounting systems. This enables the ledger to take ...
Marek Mahut - StakeNuts's user avatar
3 votes

How is metadata typed on the blockchain

The transaction metadata lives outside of the transaction body, inside of the auxiliary_data. In the Babbage ledger era, you can see this in the wire spec (CDDL) here In particular, the metadata is ...
Jared Corduan's user avatar
3 votes

Mainnet genesis block output off by 1,000,000 Lovelace + what is the test Ada from mainnet genesis?

The test ada entries was used for testing the redemption of ada from the genesis block (aka AVVM certificate process).
Samuel Leathers's user avatar
3 votes

Did I just convert my ada to a wrapped/pegged token?

As long as you use the Daedalus mainnet client and see your balance, you are using ADA. To be absolutely sure you can copy your public address and look it up on the cardano explorer: https://explorer....
eddex's user avatar
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2 votes

How will Cardano address the ledger growth problem?

In the near term, the solution is to keep metadata off chain as much as possible. Proofs/Hashes of the metadata can be used to maintain a reference to the data and guarantee it hasn't changed. This of ...
OneDeuxTriSeiGo's user avatar
2 votes

How will Cardano address the ledger growth problem?

Querying large data sizes doesn't have to be an issue necessarily, because you can create multiple indices for data access, which speeds up the search process by a large factor.For example think about ...
Johannes Sirsch's user avatar
2 votes

What is the maximum number of contracts Cardano can store?

I'm not sure that I fully understand your question. 2^256 what? To my knowledge, the maximum size of a smart contract on ETH is 24 KB. According to the Cardano Foundation, the maximum transaction ...
nalyd88's user avatar
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2 votes

Will Hydra (or anything else) reduce transaction times for Cardano in the future?

The short answer is: no. The longer answer is, Hydra is a layer-2 solution which means that by definition, it operates on top of the existing network and does not require, nor implies, changes to that ...
KtorZ's user avatar
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2 votes

Ledger wallet initial setup in Daedalus versus restore

I think you're confusing creating a wallet within Daedalus (using create/restore by mnemonic) with using a hardware wallet. With restoration of a hardware wallet (whether it be a new one or existing), ...
Samuel Leathers's user avatar
2 votes

How to get Integer from Cardano.Ledger.BaseTypes.TxIx

The problem is that on the LHS you have: StakeRefPtr (Ptr (SlotNo x) y z) but StakeRefPtr is defined (in cardano-ledger repo, file libs/cardano-ledger-core/src/Cardano/Ledger/Credential.hs) as: | ...
Erik de Castro Lopo's user avatar
2 votes

What are input endorsers and how do they make Cardano more scalable?

The core idea of input endorsers is to separate transaction selection from block production. The Ouroboros protocol - just like it randomly selects block producers according to their staked Ada - ...
user142's user avatar
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2 votes

What are the types of data that are stored on the Cardano blockchain?

Ledger state is not stored on the blockchain, but if you start with the correct initial ledger state and apply all blocks, in the correct sequence, from genesis to the current tip, you can recreate ...
Erik de Castro Lopo's user avatar
1 vote

What are input endorsers and how do they make Cardano more scalable?

Input endorsers are originally discussed in the Ouroboros paper and could be potentially be used to create specific high-throughput layer 1 Ouroboros variants. To get the idea, check out this part of ...
Marek Mahut - StakeNuts's user avatar
1 vote

Yoroi from Daedalus and Ledger nano

If you have a Ledger, you can just connect to it in Yoroi, no need to restore with your seed phrase or create a new wallet. With that said, you never should enter your Ledger phrase anywhere except ...
Jacob - SNOWY Pool's user avatar
1 vote

Importing Ledger hardware wallet addresses to Nami

That is the expected behaviour from Nami, as it only imports first address for a given account (a HD wallet can have multiple accounts and each account can have multiple addresses). You can read more ...
RdLrT's user avatar
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Question about Yoroi and Ledger (restore security)

Ledger uses a different derivation path than the default Icarus derivation used by hot wallets like Yoroi and Daedalus. This means that entering the seed phrase you generated on a hardware wallet ...
zhekson's user avatar
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How to use plutus script withness in other plutus script

I just had to sleep a night on it. Obviously one can look at the incoming addresses and lookup the validatorhash in the credentials there. For example use filter (\x -> (ScriptCredential . ...
Fermat's user avatar
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Is Ed25519 is EUF-CMA secure?

Yes, Ed25519 provides the existential unforgeability property. There is a nice work that studies the different variants of Ed25519 signatures As specified in that ...
azinig's user avatar
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1 vote

Specs for local-state queries

You are probably looking for Cardano.Api.Query.
Marek Mahut - StakeNuts's user avatar
1 vote

Where to find the latest repo Ledger.Constraints?

The repos are these: You can import Interval, Contexts, and Constraints like this: import Ledger.Constraints ...
Jey's user avatar
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1 vote

How does ledger generate the public keys?

Before activating the accounts feature, I wanted to be sure I can still access my funds even if the wallets using this feature will all disappear (, and So I ...
George - APEX Stake Pool's user avatar
1 vote

Is a Ledger Live Native ADA App with Staking and Voting Functionality in Development?

As far as I know, there is no development on these functionality from the Ledger team.
Marek Mahut - StakeNuts's user avatar

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