What will the ERC20 converter use as an exchange rate?
I assume that a good solution would be to provide an oracle that calculates the average price coming from different exchanges.
ERC20 / ERC721 vs Plutus smart contracts
We already have similar contracts, which are re-used by other more complex contracts (like Uniswap).
Take a look at mintContract which is part of plutus-use-cases package.
Since smart contracts are ...
ERC721 Converter?
There have not been any plans announced to create an ERC721 converter. ERC-721 defines some functions with compliance to ERC-20. This makes it easier for existing wallets to display simple token ...
What makes native assets native on Cardano?
Native means it is native to the multi-assets ledger itself and you do not need an additional layer (such as the ERC-{20,721} smart contract on Eth).
Minting policy is just a set of ledger rules that ...
Will ERC-20 converter support the legacy ERC-20 token itself?
This is a good question but I think converting is more for the developer converting their token(Smart Contract) to run on Cardano without requiring a full code rewrite as ERC20 contract is based on ...
ERC-20 converter - How will it be possible for someone holding AGI tokens on an exchange to know whether they have ERC-20 AGI or Cardano Native AGI?
The original Ethereum tokens are known as AGI tokens
The translated tokens that are Cardano tokens are AGIX tokens. The X at the end of the name differentiates them.
How to implement continuous interest accruing with native tokens
No. Not exactly.
Since all the tokens on Cardano are native, they all have the same behavior; they just sit there. It's only through transactions that you can change the state of the chain.
I think ...
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