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10 votes

How can a single Cardano Wallet have many addresses?

Your “wallet” is really just a private key that only you know. You can use that key to deterministically generate many addresses, each address with a unique index. But no one can derive those ...
Mitchell Turner's user avatar
9 votes

Extract the bech32 stake address from a shelly address in javascript

I do not think it is possible to achive this in plain bech32, you need to convert it to hex and than back to bech32 to get retrieve the bech32 stake address. First you decode the bech32 shelley ...
Marek Mahut - StakeNuts's user avatar
7 votes

Bech32 encoding stake address from Shelley address in JavaScript returning wrong value

You're missing the prefix, i.e. e1 in this case. const stakeAddressDecoded = 'e1'+addressDecoded.substr(addressDecoded.length - 56); You have to add e1 (or e0 in case of testnet) as prefix. Check ...
1000101's user avatar
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7 votes

get wallet skey/vkey from mnemonic

You are missing the stake key. You obtain the stake key pair like this: cat rootkey.prv | cardano-address key child 1852H/1815H/0H/2/0 > stake.prv cardano-cli key convert-cardano-address-key --...
George - APEX Stake Pool's user avatar
6 votes

Staking address bech32

The e comes from these address prefixes defined in the CDDL
Samuel Leathers's user avatar
6 votes

How to convert a Stake Key Address from hash to BECH32?

The beech32 representation is a bit tricky, but you can do it like this: const stakeKey = StakeCredential.from_bytes(from_hex('7622b4611b15441e7e15cba128ff999ad72388aeb267adc6e70cc9bc')); const ...
Jan B.'s user avatar
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6 votes

How to derive non-extended skey from mnemonic phrase?

Let's say your extended signing key is named payment.xkey, in the following format: { "type": "PaymentExtendedSigningKeyShelley_ed25519_bip32", "description": &...
zhekson's user avatar
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5 votes

Blockfrost doesn't find address

db-sync based API services such as blockfrost and koios can't find unused addresses because they are not "db-synched" Cardanoscan uses his own backend and library, to decode the bech32 and ...
Markus - CLIO1's user avatar
4 votes

Extract the bech32 stake address from a shelly address in javascript

Just a side-note to Marek's answer, don't forget to append the prefix to the stake part! In this case e1: e1883c4532b6ac18d62814ffc7e9ca035b67a68da0ea298cc24514237f See: Bech32 encoding stake address ...
1000101's user avatar
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4 votes

What encoding is used for Yorois Wallet export?

After a lot of trial and error, I figured it out myself. TLDR The "key" that results from the Yoroi export indeed needs to be encoded with bech32, using the prefix acct_xvk. Demonstration/...
Nos's user avatar
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4 votes

What is the derivation path in a Cardano address?

Cardano follows the BIP32-ed25519 standard for HD key derivation. Read more about it here. In a nutshell, a virtually infinite number of public/private addresses/keys pairs can be derived from a ...
zhekson's user avatar
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4 votes

How to convert Cardano Address?

About address formation and extracting Stake keys, you can read the CIP-0019 *Edit: this was reply to old question (about address, not address type) : This question does not make sense - you can have ...
RdLrT's user avatar
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4 votes

when and where to use different types of addresses in cardano

a) An enterprise address is such that does not contain the delegation part and cannot therefore participate in staking. The general idea was that organizations such as exchanges will use the addresses ...
Marek Mahut - StakeNuts's user avatar
3 votes

What is the Address Gap Limit in Daedalus?

Hierarchical Deterministic (HD) wallets allow for a very very large number of addresses/keys to be derived from a single master seed (mnemonic). However, it is computationally infeasible for wallet ...
zhekson's user avatar
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3 votes

Funds not appearing in wallets for highly separate generated addresses

Cardano addresses use the BIP-32 standard for key derivation. This allows a very large (2^31-1) number of addresses to be created per account index, per master seed. Being that most computers running ...
zhekson's user avatar
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3 votes

Blockfrost doesn't find address

Here is the answer of the blockfrost support team: Our API returns 404 Not Found for any resource that does not exist on chain a the moment, even when in theory, it could exist. These are typically ...
Leo's user avatar
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3 votes

How can a single Cardano Wallet have many addresses?

Wallet addresses are public keys mathematically derived from private keys and encoded to a special format. The ability of a wallet to generate multiple addresses is determined by the implementation of ...
Skelli's user avatar
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3 votes

Can a smart contract create a transaction on someone else's behalf?

No, if you dont sign the transaction nobody can spend any of the UTXO in your adress... if the Nami wallet ask you to do it and you trust the page and sign some tx done by a bad behaved the web-app ...
Alicia Basilio's user avatar
3 votes

Create transaction by cardano-node using payment address generated by cardano-addresses

Great question! Fundamentally, you want to use cardano-wallet to replace the following script in cardano-cli. cardano-cli address key-gen \ --verification-key-file key.vkey \ --signing-key-file pkey....
Noah Jones's user avatar
3 votes

Why is there a small difference between addresses derived by the cardano-address tool and Yoroi?

There is indeed missing a part of the address: the delegation part. For more information, please refer to this partially duplicate question and CIP-0019. To derive Yoroi addresses from a seed phrase ...
Nos's user avatar
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3 votes

bech32 in Shelley addresses

The problem stems from bech32 being a base5 encoding, which means that one character of address representation encodes only 5 bits of the actual address data. The bech32_decode function from Python ...
emesik's user avatar
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3 votes

bech32 in Shelley addresses

I would use the bech32 decoder tool available here: You can also find it in Daedalus in the binaries folder for your platform. $ bech32 <<< ...
Andrew Westberg - BCSH's user avatar
3 votes

Is the Transaction Hash from block frost the same as the transaction id?

Yes, the tx hash and tx id are the same. The terminology is getting used interchangably.
lambda's user avatar
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2 votes

How to import Yoroi seed phrase to computer using cardano-address for use with cardano-cli?

You can use cardano-cli to convert an extended signing key to a Shelley-format key (which is what you need in order to sign a transaction). cardano-cli key convert-cardano-address-key --shelley-...
ppquiz's user avatar
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2 votes

Convert Plutus Address Credential to real-net address

Check here please: I answered a similar question in a different post
D S's user avatar
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2 votes

How would I create a regular expression to match all of Cardano's public wallet address formats?

A regex itself isn't capable of validating if an address is valid or not. You need to have a little more logic. Probably what you're looking for is something like from_bytes/from_bech32/from_base58 ...
Samuel Leathers's user avatar
2 votes

Cardano address chaos

A. The "last address" and "base address" described above are the exact same data in different representations. What you're calling the "base address" is the hex ...
Samuel Leathers's user avatar
2 votes

Difference when building Testnet and Mainnet addresses

If you are using cardano-cli to build the address(es), the only difference would be in specifying which network (mainnet or testnet) the address is for. This is done via the --mainnet & --testnet-...
zhekson's user avatar
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2 votes

how to generate cardano new address using

Short answer is no, because it poses a security risk for both them (generating and transmitting keys over the network) and the end-user consuming their service to do so (trusting the API not to log or ...
keefie's user avatar
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2 votes

Is it possible to generate all stake pool files and keys using Cardano Serialization Lib?

Check out this link about generating keys:
Will's user avatar
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