According [type applications](, this extension `allows to give explicit type arguments to a polymorphic function`.

type VestingSchema =
             Endpoint "give" GiveParams
         .\/ Endpoint "grab" ()
-- ...
endpoints :: Contract () VestingSchema Text ()
endpoints = awaitPromise (give' `select` grab') >> endpoints
     give' = endpoint @"give" give
     grab' = endpoint @"grab" $ const grab

This does not allows to give values to a polymorphic function, so I have figured out that actually those "strings" at `@"give"`  and `@"grab"` are actually type, because the type `Endpoint` has this type/kind signature:

type Endpoint :: ghc-prim-0.6.1:GHC.Types.Symbol
                 -> * -> row-types- *
type Endpoint l a =
  row-types- (Wallet.Types.EndpointValue
  :: row-types- *
        -- Defined in ‘Plutus.Contract.Request

So that `l` has kind `Symbol`. Why this is working with TypeApplications? Can I use this "give" and "grab" as type and/or type constructors anywhere in my code?