Questions tagged [native-assets]

tokens created on the Cardano network

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Build Transaction to Transfer Native Token

I need to build a Cardano transaction that transfers a Native Asset/Token. I am working in Go, using this library: I can see an example showing how to mint assets,...
csknk's user avatar
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To create a dead-end "burning mechanism" contract for a specific native token

I am not sure how this should, or could, be done on Cardano... I would like an address/script which, if a specific native token were submitted there, that token would become permanently irretrievable. ...
RelevantData's user avatar
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What does "Exception: unpaired digit" digit mean when trying to use the "assetClassValue" function?

Attempting to use function : assetClassValue (assetClass "67890" "PussToken") 100 Value (Map [(678900,Map [("PussToken",100)])]) Getting error -> Value (Map [(*** ...
Basho's user avatar
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Get live price for token across different Cardano DEXes

I am working on a small pet project and I need to get the live price data for a token across multiple Cardano DEXes. For instance, I need the live price of WMT on MinSwap, MuesliSwap, GeniusYield and ...
Skelli's user avatar
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Some issues encountered when working with Cardano

How can I generate a bech32 address in the following code: const wallet = new AppWallet({ networkId: 0, fetcher: blockchainProvider, submitter: blockchainProvider, key: { type: 'root', ...
Solider's user avatar
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Historical price data for Cardano native assets

Does anyone know where I can get historical price data for Cardano native assets? Data that can subsequently be used for data analysis and visualization. Something similar to what taptools is using ...
genesisblock's user avatar
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Is there any way to wrap a cardano native asset to eth?

I am looking for wrapping some native cardano tokens to the etherium network is there any way to achieve the same? Any help or urls will be very helpfull.
arunwebber's user avatar
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Limit the number for each Token (AssetName) within one Currency Symbol (Policy ID)

is there any way to limit number for each tokens within one minting policy, in Plutus validator? For example for policy ab12 I want to allow users minting tokens, in different transactions. Š”an the ...
dmitry_stas's user avatar
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TypeError: a bytes-like object is required, not 'Transaction'

I am trying to use the with minor changes, like pointing to mainnet (have tried preview as well). I have updated the ...
user9232's user avatar
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Cardano Multi-Sig Mint BabbageOutputTooSmallUTxO

Iā€™m trying to build a multi-sig transaction to mint an NFT. The transaction will take some input from users wallet via coin selection and add an additional NFT as output. The problem begans, when the ...
Alexis's user avatar
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What makes native assets native on Cardano?

Triggered by this blog post[1] (and forum post[2]) which says "No smart contract is needed to mint tokens on Cardano", isn't it so that to mint or to burn custom assets, one does need to run ...
Cigarette Smoking Man's user avatar
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Verify if signing wallet is same wallet that generated a particular policy id

Context: I'm trying to programmatically verify the owner/creator of a policyId. I assume that I need to verify whether a signing wallet is the same wallet that generated a particular policy id. (I am ...
schaufelmerde's user avatar
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Are NFT policies interchangeable between networks?

Generating a policy doesn't require a running node; the cardano-cli alone is sufficient. Since no connection is made to the network, can I assume there's no difference between a policy on preprod and ...
wout's user avatar
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Send native tokens without running node

is there any library or proper guide to send custom/native tokens in NodeJS? i don't want to run full node (cardano-node/cardano-wallet), just want to build and sign a transaction and submit it via ...
AmirhN's user avatar
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ELI5 Explain native assets at higher level?

Is anyone capable of providing a high-level explanation of how NFT works in Cardano from a traditional blockchain point of view (ERC721, Ethereum, Solana, NEAR, etc), as I'd be very interested in ...
punkbit's user avatar
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Error Minting Native Asset: " unexpected '.', expecting space, letter or digit, white space, "+" or end of input "

I am writing a script to automate minting native assets. Everything works well, up until this point: echo "Building transaction..." cardano-cli transaction build \ --babbage-era \...
ota's user avatar
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CIP25 Metadata standard version 2 token name

I have seen recently that CIP25 was updated to include version 2. The main change in this is that the token name is now a bytes type whereas before it was a string. My question is, what type actually ...
Tenancio's user avatar
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Get list of users addresses that minted native asset NFT

I would like to get a list of user addresses, that minted a native asset NFT. Is this possible? I do not want current holders of the NFT, but the original minting NFT holders.
Anicho's user avatar
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Is there a way to get the current circulating supply of an asset via API?

More specific, I am looking to fetch the circulating supply of native cardano tokens with the Blockfrost API. I know how to get the total supply, but I was wondering if there is any possibility to get ...
Maldy's user avatar
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How to get information of a certain native token from Cexplorer database?

Given a certain token,for example Sundae, which has policyID: 9a9693a9a37912a5097918f97918d15240c92ab729a0b7c4aa144d77 fingerprint: asset1m4u92ke6820pkk07m8qmmguye02ewr8g6tezr0 (https://...
cdt's user avatar
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Can anyone explain how tAda locked with asset is calculated?

I have previously asked a similar question here Get Ada locked with asset from db-sync query? but I'm still really stuck with this and needing some help. After looking at Nami Wallet, Eternl Wallet ...
FoxB's user avatar
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Get Ada locked with asset from db-sync query? [duplicate]

Does anybody know a way to get the locked asset Ada/tAda information from db-sync? identical to the information displayed in Nami wallet? I've tried looking at all the tables, but nothing seems to ...
FoxB's user avatar
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How can I build a transaction to send different assets (not just ada) using Cardano Serialization Lib?

I have followed this example on how to create a transaction to send ada and I had no issues so far. What I would like to do next is to add different assets to this same transaction. Is there an ...
Falcon Stakepool's user avatar
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Problem with metadata on

I am having some trouble with metadata for NFT I am minting. This is the asset on And again on
Demogog's user avatar
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How to create a Cardano private network

I need help with a project proposal, but I think this topic could be interesting for many developers and architects. Does somebody know how to start to build a private Cardano network or where I can ...
ValerioM's user avatar
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How can I allow users to update a public array of data based on whether they own a token or not?

I want to construct public lists that can be altered by people who own a specific token. Is there a way I can group data together into an array like structure and allow users to append to it? I ...
kannastor's user avatar
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Cardano-cli error: "Invalid argument `"type":'"

I'm new and I'm following cardano developers tutorial to create NFT. I arrived at some modified code for what I wanted to do. But get this "Invalid argument `"type":'" error. When ...
Koki's user avatar
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Properly (safely) verify that transaction contains an Cardano Native Token or NFT

All the available on-chain validator programs that limit certain redeemer actions to transactions containing an NFT use hasToken :: TxOut -> Bool hasToken txOut = assetClassValueOf (txOutValue ...
Philip DiSarro's user avatar
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How to embed smart contract in website

I am creating a dapp website and which will reward it's users on completing different tasks. I have to create cardano native tokens. My question is that how can I send, lock and burn native tokens ...
tahzeeb sattar's user avatar
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How can I grant an NFT holder a one time action in a web app?

I would like users to be able to perform a one time action on a web app, i.e. claiming one physical item per NFT owned, what would be the best way to keep track of tokens that have already claimed ...
kannastor's user avatar
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How to figure out what address to query for utxos when minting

Following the iohk guide to minting assets we identify the input utxo using the following command: cardano-cli query utxo --address $address --testnet-magic 1097911063 This is all well and good if ...
melchoir55's user avatar
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How can I get the wallet distribution of a token?

I'd like to determine the number of wallet holders for (example) Lobster holders ClayNation owners How can I query this with a full node?
DaedelusDaemon's user avatar
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Cardano-Cli Transactions with Assets Utxo

I am getting an error when trying to send a transaction with the following Utxos: TxHash TxIx Amount --------------------------------...
user3755529's user avatar
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What is the value of ADA locked in a Native token?

I was wondering, if ADA locked in an native asset is equally valuable? For me it is like if somebody put a draw on a ticket but there are other implications: it can give trouble when making ...
Alicia Basilio's user avatar
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Are negative values valid quantities in native assets?

In Cardano's Alonzo CDDL (Concise Data Definition Language) specification, it seems that the value of an asset could be negative. Is it correct? If the above assumption is correct, I am wondering how ...
Jerry's user avatar
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If metadata can be changed, how can the uniqueness of an NFT can be guaranteed?

Let's say, there's manufacturer that produces luxury watches, and he uses Cardano NFTs to track their authenticity. He embeds unique serial number of a watch into metadata of NFT. One watch - one NFT,...
valik402's user avatar
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ad-hoc policy lock

It's possible to create a policy which can no longer be used to mint/burn after a given slot. The following object in a policy.script handles that: { "type": "before", &...
melchoir55's user avatar
12 votes
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Where can I find design and documentation resources on Plutus Staking smartcontracts?

When I was exploring haddock of Plutus I have found that Plutus script can have Rewarding ScriptPurpose: data ScriptPurpose = Minting CurrencySymbol | Spending TxOutRef | Rewarding ...
KugisMugis's user avatar
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Nodejs Native token transaction

I am looking to build a native token transaction in nodeJS using either Cardanocli-Js or Cardano-wallet js but the documentation is massively lacking can anyone give me an example i can look over to ...
Jean-marc melanie's user avatar
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How to mint mint NFT with StateMachine

I would like to mint an NFT in a particular state of the state machine Does anyone know where I can find some examples?
ValerioM's user avatar
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How does one-time minting policy actually work?

In week 5 of plutus-pioneer-program with NFT example this plutus minting policy code is provided: {-# INLINABLE mkPolicy #-} mkPolicy :: TxOutRef -> TokenName -> () -> ScriptContext -> ...
KugisMugis's user avatar
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Is there an easy way to see how many NFT's exist on the Cardano blockchain?

I would like to get the number of all NFT's ever created on Cardano. This means all native assets with a supply of 1. Is there a website where I can find this information or are there tools that can ...
eddex's user avatar
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Question about policy ID for native assets

If the policy ID for a some native token looks like this: { "keyHash": "wfwrfasdfasdfsadk4tjwljaldk1234567789123455678", "type": "sig" } Can the token be ...
Myles's user avatar
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Why is ADA locked up with native assets and can it be detached from the native assets?

In Yoroi I can see that there is some ADA locked up with my native assets: Can I spend this ADA without the native asset? If I would not care about the native asset, could I create a transaction that ...
eddex's user avatar
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cardano-cli transaction build-raw error

I've minted 1,000,000,000,000,000 SLIME coin following this guide but I'm getting an error at the "Sending tokens to a ...
Myles's user avatar
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About building a transaction using the cli

I've been following this guide to mint some native tokens but the process of sending native tokens to an address that has multiple UTXOs when ...
Myles's user avatar
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What is the output from a transaction when burning tokens?

I'm submitting a transaction to burn token to the blockfrost API and receives the following error (ApplyTxError [UtxowFailure (WrappedShelleyEraFailure (UtxoFailure ...
Frank Weslien's user avatar
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cardano-cli transaction submit example with native assets

I'm having trouble using the cardano-cli to send one tx. I have one address with 9 ADA and 10,000,000 each of two tokens with the same minting policy and I want to send 5,000,000 ADA of each token to ...
Myles's user avatar
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Why does 'cardano-cli query utxo --address $address --mainnet' return an empty list?

I'm trying to list all the utxo's at my Yoroi wallet address. I set the variable 'address' as my receiving address but when I run the command, cardano-cli query utxo --address $address --mainnet, ...
Myles's user avatar
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Can a native asset have different rules for minting and burning when using SimpleScripts?

Could I for example have one key to only be used for minting tokens and another only for burning? Or does this require Plutus script?
Frank Weslien's user avatar