I'd like to develop a list of cardano stake pools by country. A static list would be OK, but a repeatable method of developing an updated list by country would be much better. Is there a way of doing this? There are some groovy maps around like The https://input-output-hk.github.io/shelley-node-map/, but a live list by country? Pool explorers dont seem to offer it easily if at all.
1 Answer
In general I do not think there is a reliable way to do this.
The recommended best practice is to have the actual block producing node hidden behind two public relay nodes. If the BP and the 2 relays are in three different countries, which country are you going to assign it to?
If a pool operator says their node is for country X but they run their nodes from another country Y, which country are you going to assign it to?
Makes sense! I guess I am interested in the pools claim to be from country X. So back to the website for that - as you say not particularly reliable. Commented Mar 8, 2022 at 23:22
You may want to look at some of the web sites like pooltool.io which may have country information Commented Mar 9, 2022 at 6:40