I'm trying to build a possible DApp infrastructure on Cardano in my head.
We should write the validation script in Haskell. Also as I understand, it is suggested to use Haskell for the off-chain code that will generate/spend UTXOs.
We have as called "endpoints" - special Monads that can connect real wallets to the DApp. I guess these "endpoints" could be brought into the DApp frontend somehow. Yes?
But I still cannot understand how to connect these "endpoints" to the real users' wallets? So far we have examples with test wallets.
And is it feasible to build all necessary off-chain parts in Haskell or nobody really does it? If not, how it is supposed to be done? I mean to be connected to the real users' wallets, build and submit or spend UTXOs?
Probably the PAB aims to solve this, but it is not ready yet. What is the real state of the art now for me as a developer?
These posts are relevant, but it looks like no solution today:
How does DApp front-end integrate with user wallets?
How to connect wallet with my dapps using yoroi dapp connector.?