I'm missing transaction prefix in order to get bech32 hash of transaction id using cardano-serialization-lib.
What prefix is used in transaction bech32 hash and how can I find/compute one?
const decodeUtxo =
(wasm: WasmT) =>
(encodedUtxo: string): WasmNamespace.TransactionUnspentOutput =>
wasm.TransactionUnspentOutput.from_bytes(Buffer.from(encodedUtxo, "hex"));
const collateralUtxos = (await wallet.getCollateral()).map(decodeUtxo(wasm));
const prefix = '' // how can I find this?
// to_bech32 function requires prefix
const collateralTxHashes = collateralUtxos.map((utxo) => utxo.input().transaction_id().to_bech32(prefix))