I have created several transaction on Nami but I have not been able to successfully process a transaction using the CLI.
cardano-cli conway transaction build
--testnet-magic 1
--tx-in $tx_in
--tx-out $receiver+1000000
--change-address $sender
--out-file simple-tx.draft
Here is the error.
Size mismatch when decoding Record RecD.\nExpected 31, but found 30.
Here is the current cardano-node and cardano cli version
cardano-node 8.9.0
I am using Demeter. Here is the course I am following https://www.andamio.io/course/ppbl2024/102/lesson/2
Does anyone know how I can overcome this error? I don't want to just move on from this lesson as it's things like this where you learn the most.