I am trying to follow the project based learning program but get stucked here: https://plutuspbl.io/modules/102/1023
I started the docker container for cardano-node (https://hub.docker.com/r/inputoutput/cardano-node) like this:
docker pull inputoutput/cardano-node:1.35.3-configs
docker run -e NETWORK=preprod inputoutput/cardano-node:1.35.3-configs
export CARDANO_NODE_SOCKET_PATH=/ipc/node.socket
Updated according to previous answer but still not working:
docker pull inputoutput/cardano-node:8.1.2
docker run -e NETWORK=preprod inputoutput/cardano-node:8.1.2
I created my address as described (https://plutuspbl.io/modules/102/1022):
cardano-cli transaction build \
--babbage-era \
--testnet-magic 1 \
--tx-in $UTXO_IN \
--change-address $SENDERADDRESS \
--out-file simple-tx.raw
cardano-cli transaction sign \
--signing-key-file $SENDERKEY \
--testnet-magic 1 \
--tx-body-file simple-tx.raw \
--out-file simple-tx.signed
cardano-cli transaction submit \
--tx-file simple-tx.signed \
--testnet-magic 1
Sending ADA using Lace in Preprod works. I can see the transaction here: https://preprod.cardanoscan.io/address/00afb85707bc11b8a018610da4b79f73d2c3553dedce2a8a414bd2eb974326c013bb1e3aae31194b06e23222a9e47e481db054447fcfae217f
But I cannot find the utxo using
cardano-cli query utxo --testnet-magic 1 --address $SENDERADDRESS
As SENDERADDRESS I tried the generated wallet address (as shown in the lecture) and also my lace address but both are just showing empty results (line of dashes).
If I was using the wrong network not even sending the ADA from Lace should have worked right? Any suggestions what might be wrong?
Update: Turned out I just did not wait long enough. The block of the container tip must of course be greater than the block containing the transaction:
cardano-cli query tip --testnet-magic 1