All I can find online is that Bus error: 10 means it's trying to reach a memory space that isn't there. The testnet/preprod/mainnet nodes start up fine but stop shortly after with either Bus erro:10 or sometimes I get segmentation fault: 11. What is going on?
I have same problem. Running MacBook Pro. The node worked fine for a long time but then suddenly when started it gets the ”bus error: 10” or the ”segmentation fault”. Tried update to latest 1.35.7 cardano node and also reinstall the whole node. Doesn’t work. Would really appreciate some help with this.– KokiCommented Apr 11, 2023 at 9:19
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1 Answer
Was having the same issue, building version 8.1.2
with GHC 9.2.8
instead resolved for me.